Regeneration | Made Alive
Regeneration | Made Alive (Ephesians 2: 1-10)
How many of you admire the beauty of Mt. Fuji?? Mt. Fuji has inspired many artists, painters, musicians and writers since ancient times. Many people climb to the top to see the beautiful Sunrise. But, at the bottom of Mt. Fuji is a famous suicide forest---a place of the dead. Here, Paul takes us down to the place of the dead and to the heights of heaven. Writing from prison in Rome (AD 62), he began this letter by celebrating the spiritual blessings believers have in Christ (in ch. 1). And now, he reminds us of the depths from which God has raised us up. So, in our passage, we'll see: a) The depths of our sins. b) The heights of God's grace. c) The result of saving grace.