ザ・ブリッジフェローシップ 東京 The Bridge Fellowship: Tokyo

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The Purpose Of His Coming

The Purpose of His Coming | Matthew 1: 18-25

Do you know your family tree, family history? A few verses before this, we see the family tree of Jesus (in v. 1-17). The family tree of Jesus tells us that Christianity is not a myth or a legend, but rooted in history. Like many family histories, this family tree is filled with beauty, sin and brokenness. Yet, it had long been foretold that a root from that family tree would come and bear fruit (Isaiah 11: 1). So picking up in v. 18, we'll see afresh that: a) Jesus is God who became one of us. b) Jesus is God who came to save us. c) Jesus is God who came to be with us.