ザ・ブリッジフェローシップ 東京 The Bridge Fellowship: Tokyo

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The Promise Of His Coming

The Promise of His Coming | Isaiah 7: 1-14

What do you do when people or circumstances look bigger than God? You feel overwhelmed, isn't it? Today's passage comes right after God calls Isaiah to be a prophet. Here in ch.7, it's around 735 b.c and Israel is in a national crisis. After king Solomon died, 10 tribes from northern Israel formed their own state. And only 2 tribes in the south remained faithful to the house of David. By this time, the cruel Assyrian Empire was flexing its muscles and ready to invade Israel. So, what do you do when fears come knocking? Where do you put your ultimate trust? In our passage, we'll see:- a) The fear that shakes our hearts. b) The faith that stands on God's Word. c) The promise of the coming Saviour.