ザ・ブリッジフェローシップ 東京 The Bridge Fellowship: Tokyo

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The Spiritually Lukewarm Church

The Spiritually Lukewarm Church | Revelation 3: 14-22

What makes you sick and want to throw up? This letter was written to the seventh church in Laodicea-in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). Unlike the poor church in Smyrna (in ch. 2:9), the church at Laodicea benefited from the thriving Roma economy. They had become so self-sufficient that they could not see their need for Jesus. As Jesus looked inside, all He saw was lukewarmness. He has no commendation but very sharp words and medicine for this church. So, following in our passage, we'll see: a The dangers of lukewarmness. b) The prescription for lukewarmness. c) The cure for lukewarmness.