The Bridge Fellowship JP

Delivered by Christ

Colossians 2: 8–15 | Delivered by Christ | Pastor Joey Zorina

What captivates your heart and mind as you go about your day? What shapes your values and lifestyle? Remember, false teachings had entered the church in Colossae. And Paul was encouraging the Colossians to be rooted and built up in Christ (v. 7). So in our passage, we’ll look at: a) The empty promises that captivate us. b) The baptism that unites us with Christ. c) The record of debt that has been cancelled.

Knit Together in Love

Colossians 2: 1–7 | Knit Together in Love | Pastor Joey Zorina

Here, Paul was struggling greatly. Why was Paul struggling? Earlier in ch. 1: 29, Paul said, “For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me” Paul was struggling because he loved the church, the people. So in our passage, we see: a) The love that unites us together. b) The treasures of wisdom in Christ. c) The heart that receives Christ as Lord.

Christ The Hope of Glory

Colossians 1: 24-29 | The Hope of Glory | Pastor Joey Zorina

Although Paul is in prison, he rejoices in his sufferings. Because we live in a broken world, sufferings will come. The question is not if we will suffer, but how we respond to sufferings! So picking up from vv. 24–29, we’ll see: - a) Christ in us, our joy in suffering. b) Christ in us, our hope of glory. c) Christ in us, the energy within us.

The Supreme Worth of Christ

Colossians 1:15—23 | THE SUPREME WORTH OF CHRIST | PASTOR Joey Zorina

Who is Jesus Christ to you? Although Paul is in prison in Rome for his beliefs, he continues to praise the greatness of Jesus Christ. Often when life is difficult, it’s easy to look for answers elsewhere. But Paul shows us that our hope is secured in Jesus alone. So in vv. 15–23, we see that:- a) Jesus is sovereign over all creation. b) Jesus is the head of the church. c) Jesus reconciles sinners to God.

Praying The Gospel For Your Church

Colossians 1: 1-14 | Praying The Gospel | Pastor Joey Zorina

Epaphras had visited Paul in Rome and informed him about the condition of the church. And when Paul heard the news, he was filled with gratitude for their faith, love and hope. Although Paul never visited Colossae, his love for that church is seen even in his prayers. From Paul’s prayers, we see:-- a) The heart of thanksgiving in prayer. b) The fruit of the Gospel through prayer. c) The power that strengthens us in prayer.

The Sword of The Prince of Peace

The Sword of The Prince of Peace | Luke 2: 21- 35 | Advent

If Christmas is about a baby in a manger, why was He born? Why was this peaceful child opposed from the time of His birth? What was the purpose of His coming? In our passage, we see that:- a) Jesus came to fulfill God’s law for us. b) Jesus came to reveal salvation to us. c) Jesus came to bring peace with a sword.

Resurrection and Future Judgement


Isaiah saw a bright future of God’s people entering the strong city, singing songs of salvation (vv. 1-12). Meanwhile, God’s people are praying in distress as they wait for these promises to become a reality. Even as Christians, life is not smooth sailing. There is distress in trials and sufferings, and also in our own failures, as we wait for God’s future deliverance. So in our passage, we see: a) The distress of failure. b) The promise of resurrection. a) The refuge from fury.

War of Kings And Family Rescue

Jesus in The Old Testament | Genesis 14: 1-16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Lot had chosen all the green Jordan Valley, not knowing the danger that awaited him. What Lot could not see was that war and destruction was soon coming in those regions! So from our passage, we see:- a) The idolatrous hunger for power. b) The desires that hold us in captivity. c) The king who rescues us from captivity.

Famine, Fear and The Promises of God

Jesus in The Old Testament | Pastor Joey Zorina. | Genesis 12: 10-20

What do we do when God’s promises and our circumstances don’t seem to match? God had promised to give the promised land to Abram’s offspring. But when Abram arrived in Canaan, the land was full of Canaanites. Abram’s faith is now going to be tested by a severe trial. In our passage, we see: - a) The faith that is tested by famine. b) The consequences of our unbelief. c) The Lord who comes to our rescue.

The Call of God and The Promises of God

Jesus in The Old Testament | Pastor Joey Zorina | Genesis 12: 1-8

As we come to ch. 12, God is going to call Abram and bless the nations. Later, Israel would learn that their nation was founded through Abram who heard God’s call and left for Canaan. So from our passage, we see:- a) The call of God to be a blessing. b) The faith that walks in obedience. c) The offspring who fulfills God’s promise.

Conflict and Redemption in the Family

JESUS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Genesis 13: 1-18 | Pastor Joey Zorina

After the Lord rescued Sarai from Pharaoh, Abram, Lot and Sarai left Egypt with great riches. But as they came up from Egypt, their possessions began to create conflict in their family. From our passage, we’re going to see:- a) The struggle for power in the family. b) The pursuit of peace in the family. c) The seed of redemption in the family.

The Flood and The Open Door

Jesus in The Old Testament | Genesis 6: 5-18 | Pastor Joey Zorina

By now, God’s world had turned into a place of conflict and rage. Even as the human race began to make progress, the world had begun to see increasing corruption and violence. In our passage, we see:- a) The hearts that grieve God’s heart. b) The blameless one who walks with God. c) The door that saves from judgement.

Murder Outside The Garden

Jesus in THE OLD TESTAMENT | Ch. 4: 1-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Before the fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed pleasure in God’s presence. But now, even childbearing would become painful. Work, which was without sweat, now had thorns and thistles. So what happened as they were cast out of God’s garden? In our passage, God’s world would become:-- a) A place of conflict and rage. c) A place of counsel and warning. c) A place of violence and grace.

The Shepherd's House

Gospel Basic Series | The Shepherd’s House | Psalm 23: 1-6.

Psalm 23 is famously quoted by both Jews, Christians and the world, in times of war, national crisis, death, sickness, disasters, and in all kinds of trials. But who is the Shepherd in this Psalm? What does He do for the sheep? Follow along as we look at:- a) The green pastures we all seek. b) The shadow of death we all fear. c) The house of the Lord that awaits us.

The Great Sympathizer

Gospel Basics Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | Hebrews 4: 8-16

Here, the writer tells us that there remains a rest for God’s people to enter (v. 1). So what is this rest? And how can we experience this rest? To answer that question, here are 3 insights we are going to follow together:- a) The rest that God has prepared for us. b) The word of God that exposes our hearts. c) The great high priest who sympathizes with us.

Living in Light of The End

1 Peter Series | Exiles | ch. 4: 1-11 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

As the pressure of persecution was increasing in Asia Minor, Peter tells the exiles to pursue a godly life in light of the end time judgment. Follow along in your Bibles as we look at 3 insights on Christian living in light of the end:- a) The true liberty that Christ brings to us. b) The true judge to whom we must give account. c) The true love that covers a multitude of sins.

Defending The Gospel in Public

1 Peter ch. 3: 13- 22 | Exiles | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, Peter is writing to Christians who feel the increasing pressure of opposition under the Roman Empire. Instead of cowering in fear, they were to prepare to make a defense of the gospel with courage and gentleness. So, follow along as we look at 3 insights:- (a) The heart that is prepared to honor Christ. (b) The righteous Sufferer who brings us to God. (c) The exalted Christ who works through us.

The Hidden Person of The Heart

1 Peter | Exile Series | ch. 3: 1-8 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Peter says the unfading character of a gentle heart is most precious in God’s sight, and to be desired more than elaborate gold jewelry and outward looks. Follow along as we look at 3 insights on how the gospel beautifies our relationships from the inside: - a) The beauty that comes from a gentle heart. b) The seed from which Christ came to us. c) The grace and honor that is given to us.

Pentecost | The Spirits Presence and Power

Acts 2: 1--16 | The Spirit's Presence and Power | Pastor Joey Zorina.

What does Pentecost mean? For most Christians, Pentecost reminds us of speaking in unknown tongues. But how are we to understand this strange phenomenon? Follow along as we look at 3 insights on the work of the Holy Spirit from our passage: - a̎) The Spirit gives us power to witness. b̎) The Spirit opens our ears to hear˪ c̎) The Spirit shows us the risen Saviour.

Christ Like Suffering As Exiles

Exiles | 1 Peter Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | ch. 2: 13- 25

In this episode, Peter shows how the exiles are to submit to their masters as servants. Do you find it easy or difficult to submit to your boss in the workplace? What should motivate Christians to submit to earthly masters? Follow along as we look at 3 insights from this passage:- a) The grace of submission to those above us. b) The example of Christ we are called to follow. c) The wounds of Christ that heals our sins.