We are glad you are here. 


“We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard,

so that you also may have fellowship with us.

And our fellowship is with the Father

and with His Son, ” (1 John 1: 3).

The Bridge Fellowship is a Protestant Christian, gospel-centered, reformed, church plant in Tokyo. After gathering for home Bible studies and community outreach to musicians, young professionals, their friends and families, we began our first public worship gathering on Easter 2017 with one baptism. Since then, our church has been reaching English speaking foreigners and Japanese in the Tokyo metropolitan area!

We are part of a network known as City to City Asia Pacific, a partner of Resound Asia Pacific and a member of Acts 29—-a global movement of gospel-centered church-planting churches.

ブリッジフェローシップは東京にある福音中心、改革派の宣教活動を進めるプロテスタント教会です。多くの祈りと準備の後、2017年のイースターに始まりました。City to City のアジア領域での活動の一部であり、アジア領域のリザウンドのパートナー、また世界的に教会開拓を行う教会のファミリー、Acts29のメンバーです。

We long to see people from every culture centering their lives on the gospel of grace, integrating their faith and work, their artistic gifts with their faith, and showing mercy and justice for the common good of Tokyo, Japan and the World to God's glory.


  • WHO: Making disciples of Jesus

    HOW: by building relationships in the power of the Spirit

    WHERE: where we live, work, study and play, and

    WHY: forming gospel communities in Tokyo, Japan and the World to God’s glory.



our CORE aspirations 中心となる価値観

  • Increasingly centering our lives on the gospel of grace as disciples of Jesus.  Increasingly becoming honest, gracious and truthful to each other in community—in our heart and actions, as we are daily changed by the truths of the Gospel.

    イエスの弟子として人生の中心を福音の恵みに置くよう成長し続ける. 福音の真理によって日々変えられていき、私達の心と行動において、コミュニティの中でお互いに対してさらに寛大に、真実になり続ける。

  • Increasingly living as “salt” and “light” of the gospel in the workplace; empowering young professionals, gifted musicians and artists to maximize their gifts for God’s glory by treasuring Jesus Christ above all things.


  • Increasingly growing in generosity through caring for the needy, the marginalized, the poor, the widows and orphans (James 1: 27).


  • Increasingly growing in doctrinal depth and outward-facing as a church, making disciples of Jesus, and planting churches in Tokyo, Japan and beyond.
