our Chief Shepherd

Jesus Christ is the founder and Chief Shepherd of the church.

He is the founder and perfecter of our faith. He is the undisputed leader. Our church is full of forgiven imperfect sinners who are called saints because of Jesus. Our greatest desire is to make much of Jesus and His saving and sanctifying grace. All pastors/elders/leaders serve under His headship as we seek to make Him known.


Joey Zorina comes from Aizawl, Mizoram, a Christian state in India. Earlier in his career, his life was dramatically changed by the good news of Jesus Christ. He was sent out by his home church to Japan in 2004 and was later ordained to gospel ministry. 

Joey holds Theology degree from Tokyo Christian University (2008) and served as assistant pastor prior to planting The Bridge Fellowship. He has lived in Japan for nearly 20 years. In addition to pastoral ministry, Joey serves as Assessment Director for Acts 29 Japan.


Women’s ministry

Yisel Zorina loves to serve alongside her husband, Joey.  She graduated from Heritage Bible College & Seminary, Ontario, Canada with a degree in Christian education and taught kindergarten for 12 years in Japan.  Yisel has lived in Japan for 18 years and loves to write stories for children.  She leads the Bridge Bible Women’s Group at The Bridge Fellowship.


Our accountability and

care structure is three-fold:

1) Local Church Leadership.

2) Advisory Elder Board,

3) Regional Sister Churches

and Global Family of Churches.