Transformed By The Glory of Christ

Transformed By The Glory of Christ | Luke 9: 28–33 |

Here, Jesus took 3 of His disciples up a mountain for an extraordinary experience. In v. 21, Jesus had said some disciples would not taste death until they see the kingdom of God. So what did the disciples see on that mountain that changed their lives? How can we change too? From our passage, we’ll see three insights on: a) Seeking the face of Jesus. b) Awakening to the glory of Jesus. c) Listening to the words of Jesus.

The Call To Discipleship

The Call To Discipleship | Luke 5: 1–11 | Pastor Joey Zorina

After Jesus was rejected in His hometown, Nazareth, He had gone to Capernaum performing great miracles. By this time, He was preaching at the synagogues just as He had done in His hometown. So what has Jesus come to do in the lives of ordinary fishermen? What has He come to do in our own lives? In our passage, we’ll see simple yet crucial insights on: a) Hearing the words of Jesus. b) Trusting the words of Jesus. c) Following the crucified Jesus.

The Unwelcome and Rejected Son

The Unwelcome and Rejected Son | Luke 4: 22-30 | Joey Zorina

Last week, we saw that as news about Jesus began to spread around the country, Jesus came to Nazareth—His hometown. As was His custom, He came to the synagogue and began to teach the scriptures. But how did His own people respond? Did they give a warm homecoming party? What has Jesus come to do in our lives, neighbourhoods, cities and nations? And how will we respond today? In our passage we’ll see: a) Recognizing the gracious son. b) Accepting the unwelcome son. c) Receiving the rejected son.

The Spirit Anointed Deliverer

The Spirit-Anointed Deliverer | Luke 4: 16–21 | Joey Zorina

Last week, we saw that Jesus “full of the Holy Spirit” was “led by the Spirit in the wilderness” and overcame all temptations by the devil. And then Jesus “returned in the power of the Spirit” in Galilee. But as news about Him began to spread, Jesus now comes to His hometown, Nazareth. What did Jesus do in His hometown? Is Jesus welcome in your hometown? What has Jesus come to do in our lives, neighbourhoods, cities and nations? In today’s passage, we’ll see: a) Jesus came to teach the scriptures. b) Jesus came to proclaim the good news. c) Jesus came to fulfil the scriptures.

Overcoming Temptations

Overcoming Temptations | Luke 4: 1–14 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Last week, we saw in ch. 3: 22 how the Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism. Now in ch. 4: 1, Luke says that Jesus is “led by the Spirit in the wilderness”—where He faced great temptations. As long as we are in this world, the flesh, the devil and the world are going to test our faith. So how does Jesus overcome temptations? And how can we overcome temptations? Follow along in the sermon.

The Father’s Voice of Approval

The Father’s Voice of Approval | Luke 3: 15--22 | Joey Zorina

Last week, we saw how “the word of God” came to John the baptist—out in the wilderness. All around Israel, John was calling people to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. As his preaching gained attention, the Jews began to wonder whether he might be the long awaited Messiah. But his preaching would eventually result in rejection and death. Whose approval do you live for each day? Whose rejection do you fear? In our passage, we’ll see:- a) Expecting the son’s arrival. b) Facing the world’s rejection. c) Receiving the Father’s approval.

The Voice in Our Wilderness

The Voice in Our Wilderness | Luke 3: 1--9 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Luke now takes us to the political and religious scene in Israel. God’s people, by this time, were under the Roman Emperor, Tiberius Caesar. As they were conquered, Israel did not have their own kings during this time. Rather, Rome had appointed certain men and their families as regional rulers. So as Israel was waiting for the long awaited Messiah “the word of God” came in an obscure place—in the wilderness. Here in our passage, we see:- a) God’s word in our wilderness, b) God’s way in our wilderness c) God’s grace in our wilderness.

Growing Up in The Father’s House

Growing Up in The Father’s House | Luke 2: 41--52 | Joey Zorina

What can a boy teach adults about growing up? Three weeks ago, we saw in v. 34 how Jesus was dedicated at the temple in Jerusalem as a child. After His parents had done everything according to the custom, they returned to Nazareth where Jesus grew in wisdom (v. 40). Luke now takes us back to Jerusalem as Jesus’ parents had to travel there. But this trip would turn out to be one of the most stressful events as they lose sight of Jesus. So in our passage, we see that children can teach us a great deal about:- a) Growing in following Jesus. b) Growing in understanding Jesus. c) Growing in treasuring Jesus.

Moving From Problems To Praise

Moving From Problems To Praise | Psalm 77 | Kyllum Lewis

In this stand alone sermon, Pastor Kyllum honestly shares how he struggled with depression and shows how the psalmist tells God his struggles and moves forward by remembering God's redemptive work resulting in praise. We see the psalmist:- a) Praying, b) Pondering, c) Preaching and c) Praising God.

Present Groanings To Future Glory

Present Groanings To Future Glory | Romans 8: 18–27 |

Where do you place your hope as you look at the sufferings of this world? Creation is both beautiful and violent! Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons and volcanoes remind us that creation is groaning. But why does creation groan? When will this groaning end? Writing in the 50s AD, Paul here talks about the groanings between the present sufferings and the hope of future glory. So in our passage, we’ll see:- a) The groanings of God’s creation. b) The groanings of God’s children. c) The groanings of God’s Spirit.

The Sign That Is Opposed

The Sign That Is Opposed | Luke 2: 21- 35 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Last week, we saw the angels singing “peace on earth” at the birth of Christ. Yet in the midst of turmoil and conflict in the world, how can we experience peace? Here in our passage, we see that this new born child would be opposed by many in Israel. But why was this new born child opposed from the time of His birth? Luke now takes us from the scene of shepherds “out in the field” to Jerusalem. So from our passage, we’ll see that:- a) Jesus came to fulfill God’s law for us. b) Jesus came to bring true peace to us. c) Jesus came to suffer opposition for us.

A Radical Gospel Community

A Radical Community | Acts 4: 32–37 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What does a community changed by the Gospel look like? Last week we saw in ch. 4, that in the face of opposition, the apostles trusted in God’s sovereignty and the power of prayer. V. 31 says that when they had prayed, the entire place was shaken and they continued to speak the word with boldness. The preaching of the Word was so effective that it radically changed their community. So in our passage, we’ll see:- a) The unity beneath the surface. b) The power to testify of Jesus. c) The grace to share our treasures.

Fasting To Be Seen Only By God

Fasting To Be Seen By God | Matt. 6: 1–6, 16–18 | Pastor Joey

Have you experienced the joy of secret fasting? Our text comes right in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus gave in chapters 5-7. Here in ch. 6, Jesus assumes that His followers would live a lifestyle of giving, praying and fasting in secret. So from our passage, here are 3 insights we are going to follow:- a) When you give to be seen. b) When you pray to be seen. c) When you fast to be seen.

The Rejected Cornerstone

The Rejected Cornerstone | Acts 4: 1—12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we saw before (in ch. 3: 1–10) the healing of the crippled man. As that healing attracted a large crowd, Peter began to preach his second sermon (in vv. 12–26). There, Peter was boldly calling Jews to repent so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. But how did the crowd respond to that sermon? And how should we respond to God’s Word today? Here, in our passage, we see 3 types of responses to God’s Word:- a) Those who oppose the word. b) Those who believe the word. c) Those who reject the precious stone.

Times of Refreshing and Restoration

Times of Refreshing and Restoration | Acts 3: 17—26 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How can we experience “times of refreshing” when we’re weary? In our passage, we see that “times of refreshing” comes by: a) Turning from our ignorant rebellion. b) Listening to the prophetic scriptures. c) Receiving God’s promised blessing.

Made Strong By The Power of Christ

Made Strong By The Power of Christ | Acts 3: 1—16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Here, we see a man crippled from birth who had to be carried to the temple gate daily. This man had many needs. But in v. 3, Peter and John were also on their way to the temple. Very often we don’t quite know what to expect; but Jesus is always ready to meet us—far beyond our expectations. So in our passage, we see: a) The weakness that cripples us. b) The power that strengthens us. c) The only name that saves us.

Portrait of A Spirit-Filled Community

Portrait of A Spirit-Filled Community | Acts 2: 41- 47 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What does a Spirit-filled community look like? Last week, we saw that the outpouring of the Spirit was followed by declaring the mighty works of God (ch. 2: 1-24). And the outpouring of the Spirit with Peter’s sermon had given birth to the early church (vv. 25-40). So in this passage, we see that a Spirit-filled community is: a) Devoted to teaching and fellowship. b) In awe of Jesus and generous. c) Worshipful and winsome.

Open Doors For The Gospel

Colossians 4:2–6 | Open Doors For The Gospel | Pastor Joey Zorina

How does the resurrection of Christ change how we pray? We saw in ch. 1 the rich prayer that Paul prayed for the Colossians. Paul’s public ministry flowed from a rich prayer life. Now 3 chapters later, Paul encourages the Colossians to be watchful in prayer and walk in wisdom toward outsiders. So in our passage, we’ll see:- a) The call to be watchful in prayer. b) The call to pray for open doors. c) The call to walk in gracious wisdom.

The Coming of The Spirit's Power

Acts 2: 1-24 | The Coming of The Spirit’s Power | Joey Zorina

As we remember Pentecost Day, Pentecost is the 50th day after the Jewish Passover festival. It’s a celebration of the feast of weeks (Lev. 23:15–16, Exod. 23:16). But for Christians, it marks the day the Holy Spirit came with unusual power. So from our passage, we’ll see that: - a) The Holy Spirit gives power to witness. b) The Holy Spirit awakens awe and wonder. c) The Holy Spirit exalts the risen Saviour.

Christ in Everyday Life

Colossians 3:18—4:1 | Christ In EveryDay Life | Joey Zorina

How does the resurrection of Christ renew our relationships? Earlier, Paul had said in v.16 that the church is being renewed as the word of Christ dwells in us richly. And in v. 17, he had said believers are to, “do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Now, he shows how our new identity in Christ changes relationships in the family and society. So in our passage, we see that:- a) Christ is Lord of our households. b) Christ is Lord over our earthly masters. c) Christ is our just and fair Master in heaven.