Joey Zorina Tokyo

A Radical Gospel Community

A Radical Community | Acts 4: 32–37 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What does a community changed by the Gospel look like? Last week we saw in ch. 4, that in the face of opposition, the apostles trusted in God’s sovereignty and the power of prayer. V. 31 says that when they had prayed, the entire place was shaken and they continued to speak the word with boldness. The preaching of the Word was so effective that it radically changed their community. So in our passage, we’ll see:- a) The unity beneath the surface. b) The power to testify of Jesus. c) The grace to share our treasures.

Fasting To Be Seen Only By God

Fasting To Be Seen By God | Matt. 6: 1–6, 16–18 | Pastor Joey

Have you experienced the joy of secret fasting? Our text comes right in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus gave in chapters 5-7. Here in ch. 6, Jesus assumes that His followers would live a lifestyle of giving, praying and fasting in secret. So from our passage, here are 3 insights we are going to follow:- a) When you give to be seen. b) When you pray to be seen. c) When you fast to be seen.

The Rejected Cornerstone

The Rejected Cornerstone | Acts 4: 1—12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we saw before (in ch. 3: 1–10) the healing of the crippled man. As that healing attracted a large crowd, Peter began to preach his second sermon (in vv. 12–26). There, Peter was boldly calling Jews to repent so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. But how did the crowd respond to that sermon? And how should we respond to God’s Word today? Here, in our passage, we see 3 types of responses to God’s Word:- a) Those who oppose the word. b) Those who believe the word. c) Those who reject the precious stone.

Times of Refreshing and Restoration

Times of Refreshing and Restoration | Acts 3: 17—26 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How can we experience “times of refreshing” when we’re weary? In our passage, we see that “times of refreshing” comes by: a) Turning from our ignorant rebellion. b) Listening to the prophetic scriptures. c) Receiving God’s promised blessing.

Made Strong By The Power of Christ

Made Strong By The Power of Christ | Acts 3: 1—16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Here, we see a man crippled from birth who had to be carried to the temple gate daily. This man had many needs. But in v. 3, Peter and John were also on their way to the temple. Very often we don’t quite know what to expect; but Jesus is always ready to meet us—far beyond our expectations. So in our passage, we see: a) The weakness that cripples us. b) The power that strengthens us. c) The only name that saves us.

Portrait of A Spirit-Filled Community

Portrait of A Spirit-Filled Community | Acts 2: 41- 47 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What does a Spirit-filled community look like? Last week, we saw that the outpouring of the Spirit was followed by declaring the mighty works of God (ch. 2: 1-24). And the outpouring of the Spirit with Peter’s sermon had given birth to the early church (vv. 25-40). So in this passage, we see that a Spirit-filled community is: a) Devoted to teaching and fellowship. b) In awe of Jesus and generous. c) Worshipful and winsome.

Open Doors For The Gospel

Colossians 4:2–6 | Open Doors For The Gospel | Pastor Joey Zorina

How does the resurrection of Christ change how we pray? We saw in ch. 1 the rich prayer that Paul prayed for the Colossians. Paul’s public ministry flowed from a rich prayer life. Now 3 chapters later, Paul encourages the Colossians to be watchful in prayer and walk in wisdom toward outsiders. So in our passage, we’ll see:- a) The call to be watchful in prayer. b) The call to pray for open doors. c) The call to walk in gracious wisdom.

Living in Light of The End

1 Peter Series | Exiles | ch. 4: 1-11 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

As the pressure of persecution was increasing in Asia Minor, Peter tells the exiles to pursue a godly life in light of the end time judgment. Follow along in your Bibles as we look at 3 insights on Christian living in light of the end:- a) The true liberty that Christ brings to us. b) The true judge to whom we must give account. c) The true love that covers a multitude of sins.

Christ Like Suffering As Exiles

Exiles | 1 Peter Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | ch. 2: 13- 25

In this episode, Peter shows how the exiles are to submit to their masters as servants. Do you find it easy or difficult to submit to your boss in the workplace? What should motivate Christians to submit to earthly masters? Follow along as we look at 3 insights from this passage:- a) The grace of submission to those above us. b) The example of Christ we are called to follow. c) The wounds of Christ that heals our sins.

A Living Hope For Exiles

1 Peter Series | Exiles: Hope For Strangers in A Foreign Land | ch. 1: 3-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

1 Peter was written by Peter from Rome, around AD 63- 64 to the “elect exiles” (the diaspora Jewish Christians, including Gentiles) scattered throughout Asia Minor’s Roman provinces. As we enter a new season, with the world still suffering from COVID, we see that this world is not our home. From our passage, we see: a) The living hope that God awakens in us. b) The trials of fire that test our faith. c) The joy that flows from our salvation.

Look! I Am Doing A New Thing!

Isaiah 43: 15—21 | Year End Sermon | Look! I Am Doing A New Thing! | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this year end stand alone sermon, we turn to Isaiah 43: 15—21 where God reminds the Israelites of who He is and what He has done for them in the past. Often times, our past experiences can color our perception of what God is doing in the present. The Israelites were not to hold on to past victories as though God can no longer do those things today and tomorrow. As we look forward to a new year, we hear God saying from this passage:- a) Remember who I Am. b). Forget the former things. c) Look to Christ for a new thing.