ザ・ブリッジフェローシップ 東京 The Bridge Fellowship: Tokyo

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Declaring The Gospel With Boldness

Declaring The Gospel With Boldness | 1 Thessalonians 2: 1–12

Where does boldness to share the gospel come from? Do you need boldness in the absence of conflict or in the face of conflict? As we saw last week, Paul was writing to new believers who were joyfully enduring persecution. But Paul now focuses on how he and his team suffered as they brought the gospel to Thessalonica. Despite being shamefully treated, Paul and his team declared the gospel boldly. So, from our passage, we’ll see the importance of: a) Resting in God’s approval, not in man’s approval. b) Sharing our own selves, not self-preservation. c) Living in holiness, not in self-indulgence.