English Sermons Tokyo

The Arrival Of The New King

The Arrival of The New King | Matthew 2: 1-12

How many of you know the Christmas song, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"? Four times in that song it says, "Glory to the newborn King!" Here, Matthew tells us that news of the newborn King had brought wise men from the east. But the religious people were indifferent while King Herod was deeply troubled by news of this new born King! So how will we respond to this newborn King? In our passage, we'll see 3 responses to the newborn King:- 1) Those who are troubled by the new King. 2) Those who are against the new King. 3) Those who worship the true King.

The Purpose Of His Coming

The Purpose of His Coming | Matthew 1: 18-25

Do you know your family tree, family history? A few verses before this, we see the family tree of Jesus (in v. 1-17). The family tree of Jesus tells us that Christianity is not a myth or a legend, but rooted in history. Like many family histories, this family tree is filled with beauty, sin and brokenness. Yet, it had long been foretold that a root from that family tree would come and bear fruit (Isaiah 11: 1). So picking up in v. 18, we'll see afresh that: a) Jesus is God who became one of us. b) Jesus is God who came to save us. c) Jesus is God who came to be with us.

Emmanuel | God With Us

Emmanuel: God With Us | Matthew 1: 18-25

Last week, we saw in John 1: 1, how Jesus is the eternal Word. Jesus existed long before creation began. But in Matthew, we see the family tree of Jesus in v. 1-17. The family tree of Jesus tells us that Christianity is not a myth or a legend, but rooted in history. While this story is new to many and familiar to some of us, there is so much about lesus we have yet to see! So picking up from v. 18, we'll see afresh that: a) Jesus is God who became one of us. b) Jesus is God who came to save us. c) is God who came to be with us.

The Theology Of Christmas

The Theology of Christmas | John 1: 1-17

What comes to your mind when you think about Christmas? In Japan, Christmas is a holiday for lovers, illuminations and decorations or anime episodes. But what is your theology of Christmas? Everyone has a theology! When you think about God, you are doing theology. So here in the Gospel of John, we see a grand view of who lesus is and what He has come to do. From our passage we'll see that: a) Jesus existed before time began. b) Jesus came to give us the new birth. c) Jesus became flesh to show us God's glory.

The Promise Of His Coming

The Promise of His Coming | Isaiah 7: 1-14

What do you do when people or circumstances look bigger than God? You feel overwhelmed, isn't it? Today's passage comes right after God calls Isaiah to be a prophet. Here in ch.7, it's around 735 b.c and Israel is in a national crisis. After king Solomon died, 10 tribes from northern Israel formed their own state. And only 2 tribes in the south remained faithful to the house of David. By this time, the cruel Assyrian Empire was flexing its muscles and ready to invade Israel. So, what do you do when fears come knocking? Where do you put your ultimate trust? In our passage, we'll see:- a) The fear that shakes our hearts. b) The faith that stands on God's Word. c) The promise of the coming Saviour.

The Light Of The Saviour

The Light of The Saviour I Isaiah 9: 1-7

Last week, we saw (in ch. 7) Israel facing the Assyrian threat around 735 b.c. Israel had joined forces with Syria to invade Ahaz and Judah. But instead of trusting in God, Ahaz trusted the Assyrian army, which led the nation into a deep darkness. When you look at the problems of the world do you see only darkness? Because Isaiah tells of a glorious future awaiting God's people. So in our passage, we see:- a) Those on whom the light has shone. b) Those who rejoice with increasing joy. c) Those who receive the Prince of peace.

The Inner Life Of A Believer

The Inner Life of A Believer | Luke 10: 38-42

How is your inner life doing? Can your inner life sustain what you do in your homes and workplaces? Here, Luke tells us that as Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, He entered a village. There a woman welcomed Him and showed Him hospitality. Like the good Samaritan (in wv. 25-37), this woman began to serve her guests. The other woman, however, was simply sitting at Jesus' feet. Why did Luke tell this story? In our passage, we'll discover the importance of: a) Welcoming Jesus in our spaces. b) Serving Jesus with a non-anxious heart. c) Listening to Jesus in the scriptures.

Unlimited Grace In Our Weaknesses

Unlimited Grace in Our Weaknesses | 2 Cor. 12: 1- 10

What do people boast about in this city? What do we boast about the most? In the previous chapter, false apostles were boasting about their national identity, credentials and experiences (ch. 11: 12-21). And so this led Paul to boast reluctantly in order to silence them. But, Paul does this by talking about himself in the third person rather than in the first person. After reluctantly talking about his unusual experiences, he begins to boast in his weaknesses to show where true power comes from. So, in this passage, we are going to discover: a) The experiences that make us proud. b) The thorn that keeps us humble. c) The power that strengthens us.

The Sign of The Saviour

The Sign of The Saviour | Isaiah 7:1-14

Isaiah is often called The Fifth Gospel by some of the early church fathers. It's the most quoted book in the New Testament, secondly only to the Psalms. And our text comes right after God called Isaiah to be a prophet (6:1) -around 740 b.c. Here in ch. 7, it's around 735 b.c and Israel is in a national crisis. What do you do when fears come knocking? Where do you put your ultimate trust? In our passage, we'll see:- a) The fears from inside and outside. b) The faith that stands on God's Word. c) The promise of the coming Saviour.

Welcome One Another

Welcome One Another | Romans 15:1-9

Have you been giving up your Christian freedom for the sake of others? Who are the weaker brothers and sisters God has called you to love? In chapter 14, Paul had talked about freedom of conscience that believers have because of God's grace. He had said that the strong must not be a stumbling block to the weak. Now, he shows that Christian are to use their freedom for the good of their neighbours. So, in this passage, we'll see: a) The selfless example of Christ. b) The true harmony found in Christ. c) The gracious welcome of Christ.

The Blessing of Scripture Meditation

The Blessing of Scripture Meditation | Psalm 1:1-6

Prayer is talking to God. But if prayer is talking to God, how do we listen to God? To answer that, we turn to the Book of Psalms today. The Psalms are the most quoted O.T book in the New Testament. And some of the Psalms speak about the importance of meditating on God's Word. Here, in Psalm 1, we see the blessed man who delights in the law of God and meditates on it day and night. So from our passage, we're going to see: a) The way of blessedness. b) The way of fruitfulness. c) The way of perishing.

The Triumph of The Saviour

The Triumph of The Saviour | Isaiah 11:1-10

In ch. 9, we saw that a great light had dawned on people living in darkness. By ch. 10: 15, God had used Assyria like an axe to discipline Israel and Judah. And by the end of ch. 10: 34, the Assyrian army is cut down like a forest because of pride. But a day is coming when the Messiah will cut down the root of all the world's problems and bring a kingdom of peace. And so in this passage, we'll see that:- a) He is unlimited in wisdom and power. b) He judges with righteousness and faithfulness. c) He will renew and restore the broken world.

The Love We All Owe

The Love We All Owe | Romans 13: 8-14

Have you been paying up what you owe? Did you know we have a debt to pay? In the previous verse, Paul had talked about what Christians owed to the government. Earlier in v. 7, he had said, "pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed." The Romans never used taxes properly, yet Paul still called the Christians to pay what was owed to Caesar. And now, Paul turns to the debt that Christians can never stop paying. So in our passage, we'll see:- a) The debt of love we owe to one another. b) The day of Christ that is drawing near. c) The garment of love we now wear.

Biblical Leadership | Elders: Shepherds of The Flock

Elders: Shepherds of The Flock | 1 Peter 5:1-5

What comes to your mind when you think of a spiritually maturing church? Last week, we saw in Acts 6:1-7 that when the needs were growing, the church appointed deacons so that the apostles could focus on the ministry of the Word. So as we turn to 1 Peter 5:1-5 today, we're going to see that elders are appointed: a) To shepherd the flock among us. b) To lead by being examples to the flock. c) To lead the flock to the chief Shepherd.

Genuine Love In The Church

Genuine Love in The Church | Romans 12:9-21

What does genuine love look like in the church? What does it mean to love one another in our hearts and actions? Earlier in v. 1, Paul had said "present your bodies as a living sacrifice" in view of God's mercy. He then talked about using spiritual gifts to serve others (wv. 3-8). Now, in w. 9-21, he turns to the importance of love and hospitality; and blessing our enemies. So, in our passage, we'll see that: a) Genuine love produces brotherly affection. b) Genuine love rejoices and weeps with others. c) Genuine love overcomes evil with good.

Why Was Jesus Born

Why Was Jesus Born? | Luke 2: 13-21

Why was Jesus born? In ch. 2: 1-14, God used Caesar's decree to move Mary and Joseph, 80 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem to fulfill His promise. And we saw how Jesus was born in a humble place to take the lowest place among us. So from our text today, we're going to see 3 more reasons why Jesus was born: a) Jesus was born to make Himself known to us. b) Jesus was born to be treasured in our hearts. c) Jesus was born to fulfill all the law for us.