Gospel of John

You Must Be Born Again

You Must Be Born Again | John 3:1-15

What does it mean to be born again? When a baby is born we announce it publicly. Although birth is a labour, the new life that is brought into the world brings joy. Birthdays remind us that life is a gift. But what does it mean to be born again? "How can a man be born a second time?" This is the question that a man came to ask Jesus. So in our passage, we're going to see: a) Those who come to seek Jesus. b) Those who are born of the Spirit. c) Those who trust in the man from above.

The Empty Tomb And The Gardener

The Empty Tomb and The Gardener | John 20: 11-18

What hope does the resurrection give us? By this time, it was already Sunday morning and it was still dark. One of Jesus' disciples, Mary Magdalene, had gone to the tomb where Jesus was buried (v. 1). When she saw that the stone had been taken away, she ran to tell Peter and John. And when they all arrived at the tomb, they saw the empty grave clothes and the folded face cloth. But, Jesus' body was missing and this broke Mary's heart deeply. So following in our passage, we'll see: a) The weeping in the garden. b) The care of the Gardener. c) The joy in the coming garden.