Gospel of Matthew

Emmanuel | God With Us

Emmanuel: God With Us | Matthew 1: 18-25

Last week, we saw in John 1: 1, how Jesus is the eternal Word. Jesus existed long before creation began. But in Matthew, we see the family tree of Jesus in v. 1-17. The family tree of Jesus tells us that Christianity is not a myth or a legend, but rooted in history. While this story is new to many and familiar to some of us, there is so much about lesus we have yet to see! So picking up from v. 18, we'll see afresh that: a) Jesus is God who became one of us. b) Jesus is God who came to save us. c) is God who came to be with us.

The Resurrection and The Mission of Christ

The Resurrection | Matthew 28: 11- 20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In our passage, an angel had told the women to go and tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead (v. 7). But while the women were on their way, another group was trying to cover up the truth. So we’re going to see 3 responses to the resurrection of Christ:- a) Those who try to hide the risen Christ. b) Those who doubt the risen Christ c) Those who are sent by the risen Christ.

Where is The New Born King?

Matthew 2: 1-12 | Where is The New Born King? | Pastor Joey Zorina

Christmas means a new King is born! But how do people respond when a new King is born? From our passage today, we’re going to look at 3 responses to the newborn King. 1) Those who seek the new King. 2) Those who ignore the new King. 3) Those who worship the true King.