Christmas Sermon

Emmanuel | God With Us

Emmanuel: God With Us | Matthew 1: 18-25

Last week, we saw in John 1: 1, how Jesus is the eternal Word. Jesus existed long before creation began. But in Matthew, we see the family tree of Jesus in v. 1-17. The family tree of Jesus tells us that Christianity is not a myth or a legend, but rooted in history. While this story is new to many and familiar to some of us, there is so much about lesus we have yet to see! So picking up from v. 18, we'll see afresh that: a) Jesus is God who became one of us. b) Jesus is God who came to save us. c) is God who came to be with us.

The Theology Of Christmas

The Theology of Christmas | John 1: 1-17

What comes to your mind when you think about Christmas? In Japan, Christmas is a holiday for lovers, illuminations and decorations or anime episodes. But what is your theology of Christmas? Everyone has a theology! When you think about God, you are doing theology. So here in the Gospel of John, we see a grand view of who lesus is and what He has come to do. From our passage we'll see that: a) Jesus existed before time began. b) Jesus came to give us the new birth. c) Jesus became flesh to show us God's glory.

Where is The New Born King?

Matthew 2: 1-12 | Where is The New Born King? | Pastor Joey Zorina

Christmas means a new King is born! But how do people respond when a new King is born? From our passage today, we’re going to look at 3 responses to the newborn King. 1) Those who seek the new King. 2) Those who ignore the new King. 3) Those who worship the true King.

Who Is In The Manger?

Luke 2: 1--16 | Who Is In The Manger? | Pastor Joey Zorina |

Last week, we saw Mary responding to God’s call in ch. 1: 38. From then on Mary and Joseph would become part of the fulfillment of God’s plan. So why did Jesus come? Why was He born under such humble circumstances? To answer that, here are 3 insights from our passage today:- a) Jesus came to take the lowest place in our place. b) Jesus came to bring good news, not good advice. c) Jesus Himself is our peace in a world of troubles.

God of The Impossibles

Luke 1: 26-38 | God of The Impossibles | Joey Zorina

When was the last time you faced a humanly impossible situation? This story of angel Gabriel’s announcement is surrounded by impossibilities. Even right before our text, Elizabeth, who was barren, had become miraculously pregnant after an angel appeared to her husband. So, as we look at this passage, here are 3 insights we are going to see today:- a) God’s favor is received, not earned. b) God’s promised Son is given despite us. c) God’ Word makes impossible possible.

This Christmas Child | A Sign That Is Opposed

Christmas | Luke 2: 21- 35 | A Sign That Is Opposed | Pastor Joey Zorina

What’s the real meaning of Christmas? If you ask your friends in Japan, you will get very different answers. But this story in Luke’s Gospel shatters our popular understanding of Christmas. If Christmas is about Jesus, why did He come? Follow along as we answer that question in three insights:- a) Jesus came to fulfill the law for us. b) Jesus came to bring salvation for all peoples. c) Jesus came to bring true peace with the sword.

Good News of Great Joy For All People

Christmas Message | Good News of Great Joy For All People | Luke 2: 8-21 | Pastor Joey Zorina

The most humble thing about Jesus is not that He was born in a manger but that He became man. The greatest miracle in the Bible is that God became man. The child in the manger went to the cross to wear a crown of thorns so that we could be crowned as God’s children.