
The Resurrection and The Mission of Christ

The Resurrection | Matthew 28: 11- 20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In our passage, an angel had told the women to go and tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead (v. 7). But while the women were on their way, another group was trying to cover up the truth. So we’re going to see 3 responses to the resurrection of Christ:- a) Those who try to hide the risen Christ. b) Those who doubt the risen Christ c) Those who are sent by the risen Christ.

Be The Church | Together On Mission

Be The Church | Together On Mission | Matt. 28: 11--20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this passage, we see some events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The women told the truth about the risen Christ. The chief priests and guards spent lots of money to lie about the risen Christ. But Jesus sends us out to tell the truth of His resurrection. Follow along as we look at 3 types of responses to the resurrection. a) Those who try to hide the risen Christ. b) Those who doubt the risen Christ. c) Those who are sent by the risen Christ