
Transformed From Glory To Glory

2 Corinthians Series | ch: 3: 7-18 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

How do people change? How do Christians make progress in their faith? In this episode, we turn to ch. 3: 7-18 where Paul says we are, unlike Moses who put a veil over his face, seeing the glory of Christ we are being transformed into His image. Follow along as we unpack with 3 insights: i) The unfading glory that exceeds the past. ii) The veil that Jesus has removed for us. iii) The glory of Christ that transforms us.

The Living Letters of Christ

2 Corinthians Series | ch. 3: 1-6 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our 2 Corinthians series, we looked into ch. 3: 1-6, where Paul says that the Corinthians are letters from Christ written not with ink but by the Spirit. Follow along as we look into 3 insights: i) The letters of recommendation known and read by all. ii) The ultimate commendation Jesus has written on our hearts. iii) The life-giving ministry Jesus has entrusted to us.

The Invitation To True Rest

Corona & The Cross | Matthew 11: 25- 30 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this well known passage from Matthew 11: 25- 30, Jesus simply said, "Come to me all who labor and heavy laden. I will give you rest." What were the heavy burdens that people were carrying? What is the rest He is talking about? Follow along as we unpack 3 insights from the passage.

God's Provision For Anxious Times

CoronaVirus And The Cross | Matthew 6: 24- 34 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode we learn what Jesus means by "sufficient for today is its troubles" from a familiar passage. If you're struggling with anxiety, follow along as we look into 3 insights:- a) The idols beneath our anxiety. b) The values that define our security c) The King who provides our ultimate security.

Locked Doors And The Empty Tomb

Covid-19 Series | John 20: 19- 29 | Locked Doors And The Empty Tomb

伴がかかった扉と空っぽの墓(ヨハネによる福音書 20:19-29)

In this episode of our mini-series, we turn to the disciples who were hiding in fear on that first Easter Sunday. Many of us are quarantined at home, during this social distancing due to Covid-19 crisis. Follow along as we look into 3 insights: (1) The fears that paralyze us behind closed doors. (2) The peace of Christ that prepares us for mission. (3) The risen Christ who turns our unbelief into faith.