Pastor Joey Zorina Sermon

War of Kings And Family Rescue

Jesus in The Old Testament | Genesis 14: 1-16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Lot had chosen all the green Jordan Valley, not knowing the danger that awaited him. What Lot could not see was that war and destruction was soon coming in those regions! So from our passage, we see:- a) The idolatrous hunger for power. b) The desires that hold us in captivity. c) The king who rescues us from captivity.

Famine, Fear and The Promises of God

Jesus in The Old Testament | Pastor Joey Zorina. | Genesis 12: 10-20

What do we do when God’s promises and our circumstances don’t seem to match? God had promised to give the promised land to Abram’s offspring. But when Abram arrived in Canaan, the land was full of Canaanites. Abram’s faith is now going to be tested by a severe trial. In our passage, we see: - a) The faith that is tested by famine. b) The consequences of our unbelief. c) The Lord who comes to our rescue.

The Tower of Man and The City of God

Jesus in The Old Testament | Genesis 11: 1-9 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Last week, we saw how Noah and his family survived the waters of judgement because God kept His promise.  In the garden, God had commanded Adam and Eve to multiply over the whole earth.  And He had commanded Noah to do the same.  By this time in our passage, the fresh start given to the human race by Noah had already been compromised.  Instead of spreading, people began to settle down.  So from our passage, we’re going to see:-  a) The city that is set against God.   b) The Lord who came to the city.  c) The city God is building for us.  

Murder Outside The Garden

Jesus in THE OLD TESTAMENT | Ch. 4: 1-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Before the fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed pleasure in God’s presence. But now, even childbearing would become painful. Work, which was without sweat, now had thorns and thistles. So what happened as they were cast out of God’s garden? In our passage, God’s world would become:-- a) A place of conflict and rage. c) A place of counsel and warning. c) A place of violence and grace.

The Shepherd's House

Gospel Basic Series | The Shepherd’s House | Psalm 23: 1-6.

Psalm 23 is famously quoted by both Jews, Christians and the world, in times of war, national crisis, death, sickness, disasters, and in all kinds of trials. But who is the Shepherd in this Psalm? What does He do for the sheep? Follow along as we look at:- a) The green pastures we all seek. b) The shadow of death we all fear. c) The house of the Lord that awaits us.

Future Grace For Exiles

Exiles | Future Grace For Exiles | 1 Peter 1: 13- 25 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Christian hope is not empty and does not disappoint us because our hope is fully set on the grace that will be brought to us when Jesus Christ appears. As we pick up from vv. 13- 25, here are 3 things Peter says we must remember during our journey on earth:- a) The future grace that will be brought to us. b) The futile ways from which we were ransomed. c) The living Word that teaches us to love.

The King on The Cross

The Servant King | Gospel of Mark | ch. 15: 29- 39 | Pastor Joey Zorina

People often ask: Why does a good God allow so much suffering and evil? But rarely do people ask: Why did God allow Jesus to suffer the horrible pain of crucifixion? Picking up from vv. 29- 39, follow along as we look at three reasons why Jesus suffered on the cross:- a) Jesus suffered to save others, not Himself. b) Jesus suffered the eternal separation we deserved. c) Jesus suffered to bring us into God’s presence.