Video Streamed on Sunday March 29th | Youtube
From Hand Washing To Foot Washing
Stand Alone Sermon | Pastor Joey Zorina | John 13: 1-7
What is the Christian's response to the Covid-19 pandemic? In this episode, we looked into how Christians can go from hand washing (and self-preservation) to foot washing (social responsibility) from John 13: 1-7. But what does foot washing symbolize? Join us as we look into 3 insights: a) The loving servant the world needs. b) The internal washing we all need. c) The blessing of sacrificial service Jesus brings.
A Song of Hope In Fear-Filled Times
Stand Alone Sermon | Psalm 23: 1- 6 | Pastor Joey Zorina
In times of fear, unrest and distress, where do we turn? In this stand alone sermon from a well known passage, we learn again what trusting the good Shepherd means: a) The green pastures we all seek. b) The shadow of death we all fear. c) The goodness and mercy that flows from Christ.
Gospel For All People
Acts 13: 1-3, 14: 21- 23 | Pastor Jay Greer | Guest Speaker | Stand Alone Sermon.
In this message, Pastor Jay Greer, our guest speaker, preached from Acts 13: 1-3, 14: 21- 23. We learned about (a) Preaching the gospel to make disciples, (b) teaching the truth to strengthen disciples, (c) and establishing churches by appointing elders to God's global glory.
Praying God-Sized Prayers
Ephesians 3: 14- 21 | Adam Ramsey | Praying God-Sized Prayers | Stand-Alone Sermon
Do our prayers match God's ability to move? Are you profoundly aware of the absence of God's power in your walk of life? How can a timid church be transformed for gospel movement? In Ephesians 3: 14- 21, Adam Ramsey helps us see the underestimated role of prayer and the Spirit's powerful work in all our church life and for spiritual awakening in our city.
Lord Teach Us To Pray
Lord Teach Us To Pray | Luke 11: 1- 4 | Pastor Joey Zorina |
This New Year 2020, one of the focus of our church is Prayer Immersion in community. What can we learn about the theology of prayer from the Lord’s prayer? Watch to learn more from Luke 11: 1-4, "Lord, Teach Us To Pray” in this stand alone sermon.
In Darkness, Light
Ruth ch. 1 | Guest Speaker | In Darkness, Light | Pastor Jonathan Ransom
In this stand alone sermon on Ruth ch. 1, Pastor Jonathan Ransom walks us through the book, showing us how Jesus is the true and better Ruth who has come to visit us and dispel the great darkness in us.
The Beloved in Christ
Suffering For The Sake of The Gospel
Stand alone sermon
2 Corinthians 4: 7--18 | Pastor Joey Zorina | Stand Alone Sermon
As Jars of clay we are fragile, vulnerabe and prone to break easily. But Paul says we have this treasure in jars of clay. How do the things that we treasure shape or even break us? How can we respond to sufferings for our own good, the good of others and the glory of God?
The Father's Blessing In Disguise
Father's Day 2019 | Pastor Joey Zorina | Genesis 27: 1--20
In Gen. 32, God asked Jacob for the 2nd time: "What is your real name?" Jacob could no longer hide. He repented of the false identity he had created for himself. And God gave him a new identity and made a great nation out of him.
The Gospel in Which You Stand
1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 | Easter 2019 | 2nd Anniversary | Pastor Joey Zorina
"In the society around you, people find their identity and self-worth in what they do, or will do, or how they feel. They say: “I am what I do. I am what I accomplish. I am what I feel.” But Paul says, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” The Gospel says: “You are who you are based on what Christ has done for you.” A changed life is a miracle performed by Christ through the power of His resurrection."