
Furious Rage and God's Grace

Furious Rage and God's Grace | Jonah 4:1-11

We saw how Jonah obeyed when God's word came "for the second time" (in ch. 3: 1). After Jonah's preaching, the people of Nineveh had repented. And you would think Jonah would be rejoicing! But ch. 4 shows us that is not what happened! V. 1 says Jonah was very angry. Why was Jonah angry? What does our anger tell us about our understanding of God's grace? To answer that, we're going to see:- a) The root of self-righteous anger. b) The lesson of grace under the shade. c) The grace God extends to outsiders.

Responding To God's Word

Responding to God's Word | Jonah 3:1-10

We saw Jonah crying out to God in distress from the belly of the fish. And the fish had miraculously vomitted Jonah onto the dry land, as the Lord spoke to the fish. Is Jonah now ready to obey? Because the first time God's word came in ch. 1, Jonah ran away. And here v. 2 says "the word of the Lord came to Ionah for the second time." So how will we respond to God's Word today? In our passage, we'll see:- a) God's word that demands a response. b) God's word that brings God's justice. c) God's grace that leads to repentance.

Prayer From The Depths

Prayer From The Depths | Jonah 2:1-17

We saw how Jonah lived during the time of Jeroboam II the northern king of Israel (8th century BC). Jonah had run away from God's call to Nineveh. But God had disrupted his plans by sending a storm. By this time in our story, ch. 1: 17 says, "the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights." So what is Jonah learning as he sinks deeper into his troubles? What is God showing us through Jonah's troubles? In our passage, we'll see:- a) The cry of distress to God. b) The misery of separation from God. c) The gratitude of salvation to God.

Running From God's Word

Running From God's Word | Jonah 1:1-17

We start a new series on the Book of Jonah. Jonah is mentioned in 2 Kings 14:25. Jonah prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam Il the northern king of Israel. The events here are believed to have happened in 786-746 BC. Here in v. 1, the word of God came to Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh! But how does Jonah respond? How will we respond to God's call in this city? We see in our passage:- a) God's call to go into the city. b) God's holy disruption of our plans. c) God's grace that comes to our rescue.