One Another

Genuine Love In The Church

Genuine Love in The Church | Romans 12:9-21

What does genuine love look like in the church? What does it mean to love one another in our hearts and actions? Earlier in v. 1, Paul had said "present your bodies as a living sacrifice" in view of God's mercy. He then talked about using spiritual gifts to serve others (wv. 3-8). Now, in w. 9-21, he turns to the importance of love and hospitality; and blessing our enemies. So, in our passage, we'll see that: a) Genuine love produces brotherly affection. b) Genuine love rejoices and weeps with others. c) Genuine love overcomes evil with good.

Praying For One Another

Praying For One Another | James 5:13-20

How do you respond to personal suffering? Is your first impulse to pray? How about when you are cheerful? Does it lead you to sing praise? The Christian life is full of ups and downs. It is a roller coaster of suffering and happiness. Here, James is writing to a church that was suffering economic persecution and oppression. And James is very practical. He shows that the entire Chrisian life is filled with prayer. And that love is shown by caring for one another in prayer. So, in our passage, we'll see the church that: a) Intercedes for one another. b) Confesses to one another. c) Restores one another.

Beloved: Love One Another

Beloved: Love One Another | 1 John 4: 7-13

What is the deepest longing of the human heart? What is everyone looking for in this world Everyone is longing for perfect love. John says in v. 18, "perfect love casts out fear." Have you experienced that kind of love? In this letter, John has been talking about love everywhere. In chapter 2, he talked about love as the fruit of fellowship with God. In chapter 3, love is the evidence of our sonship with God. Now in chapter 4, John turns to the source of love. So, in our passage, we'll see that: a) Love is the sign of belonging to God. b) Love is displayed on the cross of Christ. c) Love is practised among God's people.

Nearer To Jesus And One Another

Nearer To Jesus And One Another | Hebrews 10:19-25

Is there a growing desire to draw near to Jesus and to one another? Back in ch. 3: 1, the writer had said, "Consider Jesus." This entire letter shows the superiority of Christ to the Old Testament sacrifices and rituals (chs. 3-10). Now, in v.19-25, we find three exhortations to draw near to God, to hold fast to our hope, and to encourage one another. And this is all based on what Jesus has done, is doing and will do for us! So in our passage, we'll see: a) The confidence to enter God's presence. b) The call to draw near with a true heart. c) The call to encourage one another.