The Secret of Contentment | Philippians 4: 10--21 | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this last episode on Philippians 4, we looked into Paul's secret of contentment while being imprisoned in Rome for his faith.
The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple
(Psalm 119: 130)
The Secret of Contentment | Philippians 4: 10--21 | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this last episode on Philippians 4, we looked into Paul's secret of contentment while being imprisoned in Rome for his faith.
Philippians 4: 1-9 | Replacing Anxiety With Gospel Peace | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode on Philippians 4: 1- 9, we tackled on how to replace anxiety with gospel peace. Here are 3 main insights we followed: a) Relational conflict disrupts peace b) The peace of God that Jesus brings. c) Renewing the mind maintains peace.
Philippians 3: 12- 21 | Joy in Pressing on Toward The Goal | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode, we look into 3 main insights from chapter 3: 12- 21. a) Pressing on toward maturity. b) Walking as enemies of the cross c) Waiting for the return of Christ.
Philippians 3: 1-11 | The Joy of Knowing Christ | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode, we looked into three main insights: A) Those who put their confidence in the flesh. B) Those who count Jesus better than everything. C) Those who suffer with Christ and become like Him.
Philippians 2: 19-30 | Joy in Sacrificial Servanthood | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode, we learn about Epaphroditus whose near death experience in the cause of Christ points us to the One who became obedient to the point of death on the cross.
Philippians 2: 12- 18 | Joy in Working Out Our Salvation | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode on Philippians, we learn what it means to pour ourselves out in the service of others, in light of Christ who poured Himself out unreservedly for us on the cross.
Philippians 2: 1-11 | Joy in Humility and Unity | Pastor Joey Zorina
When you think of a truly humble person what comes to your mind? In this episode, we look into a poetic passage in Philippians 2: 1-11 where we encounter the most humble person in the entire universe.
Philippians Series | ch. 1: 21-30 | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode, we explore what it means to live for Christ even in the face of death, and how much grace has been granted to us not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His sake.
Philippians 1: 12- 20 | Joy in Making Jesus Known | Pastor Joey Zorina
In this episode of Philippians 1, we learn about the importance of making Jesus known to others in our circumstances as an extension of our joy.
Philippians 1: 1-11 | Joy and Fellowship in The Gospel | Pastor Joey Zorina
How can you have more joy in your circumstances? In this new series on Phillipians, we learn about joy and fellowship in the gospel.
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A member of Acts 29 and a partner of resound,
a global MOVEMENT OF churchES planting
gospel-centered churches.