ザ・ブリッジフェローシップ 東京 The Bridge Fellowship: Tokyo

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Beloved: Love One Another

Beloved: Love One Another | 1 John 4: 7-13

What is the deepest longing of the human heart? What is everyone looking for in this world Everyone is longing for perfect love. John says in v. 18, "perfect love casts out fear." Have you experienced that kind of love? In this letter, John has been talking about love everywhere. In chapter 2, he talked about love as the fruit of fellowship with God. In chapter 3, love is the evidence of our sonship with God. Now in chapter 4, John turns to the source of love. So, in our passage, we'll see that: a) Love is the sign of belonging to God. b) Love is displayed on the cross of Christ. c) Love is practised among God's people.