Walking By Faith When Drowning in Fear

Corona Crisis Response | Matthew 14: 22- 36 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

In this episode of our mini-series we turn to Matthew 14: 22- 36 where we follow 3 main insights: a) The renewal of faith we all need. b) The fear that drowns our faith c) The sovereign hand that holds our faith.

The Love of Christ in Turbulent Times

God's Goodness in Uncertain Times

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Due to technical difficulty, the video sermon for March 22 was not recorded. We apologize for the disappointment. Please read the full manuscript provided in PDF, Facebook format or text.




From Hand Washing To Foot Washing

Stand Alone Sermon | Pastor Joey Zorina | John 13: 1-7

What is the Christian's response to the Covid-19 pandemic? In this episode, we looked into how Christians can go from hand washing (and self-preservation) to foot washing (social responsibility) from John 13: 1-7. But what does foot washing symbolize? Join us as we look into 3 insights: a) The loving servant the world needs. b) The internal washing we all need. c) The blessing of sacrificial service Jesus brings.

A Song of Hope In Fear-Filled Times

Stand Alone Sermon | Psalm 23: 1- 6 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In times of fear, unrest and distress, where do we turn? In this stand alone sermon from a well known passage, we learn again what trusting the good Shepherd means: a) The green pastures we all seek. b) The shadow of death we all fear. c) The goodness and mercy that flows from Christ.

The Marks of A True Servant

1 Timothy Series | Ch. 1: 8- 16 | The Marks of A True Servant | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of 1 Timothy series, we looked into the qualifications of deacons. From vv. 8- 16, we followed 3 main insights: a) The test of servanthood in the church. b) The test of faithfulness in the home. c) The true servanthood Jesus displayed for us.

Gospel For All People

Acts 13: 1-3, 14: 21- 23 | Pastor Jay Greer | Guest Speaker | Stand Alone Sermon.

In this message, Pastor Jay Greer, our guest speaker, preached from Acts 13: 1-3, 14: 21- 23. We learned about (a) Preaching the gospel to make disciples, (b) teaching the truth to strengthen disciples, (c) and establishing churches by appointing elders to God's global glory.

The Gospel Shaped Character

1 Timothy 3: 1-7 | The Gospel Shaped Character | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, Pastor Joey shared a personal story about God's call on his life. When someone is called into ministry the desire cannot be shaken away. But is desire enough? Learn more following 3 insights: (a) The aspiration to a noble task. (b) The requirement of the noble task (c) The requirements Jesus fulfilled for us.

Praying God-Sized Prayers

Ephesians 3: 14- 21 | Adam Ramsey | Praying God-Sized Prayers | Stand-Alone Sermon

Do our prayers match God's ability to move? Are you profoundly aware of the absence of God's power in your walk of life? How can a timid church be transformed for gospel movement? In Ephesians 3: 14- 21, Adam Ramsey helps us see the underestimated role of prayer and the Spirit's powerful work in all our church life and for spiritual awakening in our city.

The Priority of Evangelistic Prayer

1 Timothy 2: 1-7 | The Priority of Evangelistic Prayer | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we looked into 1 Timothy 2: 1-7, where Paul says to pray for kings and those who are in authority. From our text, we looked into 3 main insights:-

(a) The peaceful and quiet life that prayer brings.

(b) The offer of salvation that Jesus brings

(c) The priority of gospel mission in prayer.

Grace For The Worst of Sinners

1 Timothy 1: 12-- 20 | Grace For The Worst of Sinners | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode on 1 Timothy 1: 12- 20, we looked into the testimony of Paul and followed 3 insights: a) God's overflowing grace in our unbelief b) Christ's perfect patience in our rebellion. c) God’s empowering grace to fight the warfare.

Gospel Doctrine Matters

1 Timothy 1: 1- 11 | Gospel Doctrine Matters | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our new series on 1 Timothy, we learn that a) The gospel exposes counterfeit doctrines b) The gospel produces love, not legalism c) The gospel leads to holiness, not license.

Lord Teach Us To Pray

Lord Teach Us To Pray | Luke 11: 1- 4 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

This New Year 2020, one of the focus of our church is Prayer Immersion in community. What can we learn about the theology of prayer from the Lord’s prayer? Watch to learn more from Luke 11: 1-4, "Lord, Teach Us To Pray” in this stand alone sermon.

Good News of Great Joy For All People

Christmas Message | Good News of Great Joy For All People | Luke 2: 8-21 | Pastor Joey Zorina

The most humble thing about Jesus is not that He was born in a manger but that He became man. The greatest miracle in the Bible is that God became man. The child in the manger went to the cross to wear a crown of thorns so that we could be crowned as God’s children.

In Darkness, Light

Ruth ch. 1 | Guest Speaker | In Darkness, Light | Pastor Jonathan Ransom

In this stand alone sermon on Ruth ch. 1, Pastor Jonathan Ransom walks us through the book, showing us how Jesus is the true and better Ruth who has come to visit us and dispel the great darkness in us.

Replacing Anxiety With Gospel Peace

Philippians 4: 1-9 | Replacing Anxiety With Gospel Peace | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode on Philippians 4: 1- 9, we tackled on how to replace anxiety with gospel peace. Here are 3 main insights we followed: a) Relational conflict disrupts peace b) The peace of God that Jesus brings. c) Renewing the mind maintains peace.

The Joy of Knowing The Supreme Worth of Christ

Philippians 3: 1-11 | The Joy of Knowing Christ | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we looked into three main insights: A) Those who put their confidence in the flesh. B) Those who count Jesus better than everything. C) Those who suffer with Christ and become like Him.