Entrusted With The Gospel

Gospel Basics Series | 2 Timothy 2: 1- 10 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What has God entrusted us to pass on to others? Here, Paul had sent this letter to Timothy to encourage him to endure suffering and to pass on the gospel to others. So as we turn to our passage, we are going to see:- a) The grace of being entrusted with the gospel. b) The grace of sharing in Christ’s sufferings. c) The elect for whom Christ rose from the dead.

The Hard Sayings Of Jesus

Gospel Basics Series | The Hard Sayings of Jesus | John 6: 58-71

Jesus had a lot of hard sayings that caused people to grumble, quarrel, be offended, or even walk away. So why does Jesus, the most gracious person, have such hard sayings? To answer that question, here are 3 insights we’re going to see together:- a) The hard sayings that offend us. b) The Spirit who brings us to Christ. c) The words of Christ that satisfies us.

Who is The Better Son?

Gospel Basic Series | Luke 15: 11- 32 | Who is The Better Son?

Most Christians have heard this story at least once. But as we turn to this story, who is the better son? If you’re new to Christianity, Jesus often told parables to talk about great spiritual truths. And this parable is about a father and his two sons. So, here are key insights we are going to follow:- a) The reckless son who let his home. b) The loving Father who comes running c) The dutiful son who refused to enter.

From Childish Ways To Maturity

Gospel Basics Series | From Childish Ways To Maturity | Cor. 13: 1-13 |

Each year in Japan, the love chapter is read in western style wedding chapels. But the reasons the apostle Paul wrote this chapter was far from romantic. So, from this chapter we’re going to see:- a) The noise that gains nothing. b) The love that bears all things. c) The love of Christ that matures us.

Sabbath and Gospel Rest

Gospel Basics Series | Sabbath & Gospel Rest | Deut. 5: 12- 15

What is Sabbath? In a fast paced, anxious and restless city, the idea of Sabbath is vastly missing in the culture. Most people have an idea of going on a holiday or their own ideas about rest. But what is Sabbath, and why does it matter? To answer that question, follow along as we look at :- a) The work for which God made us. b) The rest for which God made us. c) The deeper rest Jesus gives to us.

Grace For The Suffering Flock

1 Peter 5: 1-11 | Pastor Joey Zorina | Grace For The Suffering Flock

What have you learned about humility during the pandemic? Here, Peter closes his letter by addressing the flock of God who are suffering in Asia Minor. Follow along as we look at the relationship between God’s grace and humility in our suffering: - a) Humility serves by example. b) Humility casts all anxieties on God. c) Humility looks to God’s restoring grace.

Do Not Be Surprised By Sufferings

1 Peter 4: 12-19 | Pastor Joey Zorina | Do Not Be Surprised By Sufferings

Peter reminds the exiles, in the midst of increasing opposition, that they should not be surprised by trials.  In Peter’s mind, God is using suffering to purify the church.  So how can we suffer well as Christians?  To answer that, follow along as we look at:  a) The joy of sharing in Christ’ suffering.  b) The Spirit of glory that rests upon us.  c) The household of God in which we are saved.   

Living in Light of The End

1 Peter Series | Exiles | ch. 4: 1-11 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

As the pressure of persecution was increasing in Asia Minor, Peter tells the exiles to pursue a godly life in light of the end time judgment. Follow along in your Bibles as we look at 3 insights on Christian living in light of the end:- a) The true liberty that Christ brings to us. b) The true judge to whom we must give account. c) The true love that covers a multitude of sins.

Defending The Gospel in Public

1 Peter ch. 3: 13- 22 | Exiles | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, Peter is writing to Christians who feel the increasing pressure of opposition under the Roman Empire. Instead of cowering in fear, they were to prepare to make a defense of the gospel with courage and gentleness. So, follow along as we look at 3 insights:- (a) The heart that is prepared to honor Christ. (b) The righteous Sufferer who brings us to God. (c) The exalted Christ who works through us.

The Hidden Person of The Heart

1 Peter | Exile Series | ch. 3: 1-8 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Peter says the unfading character of a gentle heart is most precious in God’s sight, and to be desired more than elaborate gold jewelry and outward looks. Follow along as we look at 3 insights on how the gospel beautifies our relationships from the inside: - a) The beauty that comes from a gentle heart. b) The seed from which Christ came to us. c) The grace and honor that is given to us.

Pentecost | The Spirits Presence and Power

Acts 2: 1--16 | The Spirit's Presence and Power | Pastor Joey Zorina.

What does Pentecost mean? For most Christians, Pentecost reminds us of speaking in unknown tongues. But how are we to understand this strange phenomenon? Follow along as we look at 3 insights on the work of the Holy Spirit from our passage: - a̎) The Spirit gives us power to witness. b̎) The Spirit opens our ears to hear˪ c̎) The Spirit shows us the risen Saviour.

Christ Like Suffering As Exiles

Exiles | 1 Peter Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | ch. 2: 13- 25

In this episode, Peter shows how the exiles are to submit to their masters as servants. Do you find it easy or difficult to submit to your boss in the workplace? What should motivate Christians to submit to earthly masters? Follow along as we look at 3 insights from this passage:- a) The grace of submission to those above us. b) The example of Christ we are called to follow. c) The wounds of Christ that heals our sins.

Proclaiming Christ As Exiles

Exiles Series | 1 Peter 2: 1-10 | Pastor Joey Zorina

After reminding them of the good news that was preached to them (in ch. 1: 25), Peter now shows what it means to grow as believers and proclaim Christ as exiles. Following along as we look at 3 insights from ch. 2: 1- 10:- a) The spiritual milk that grows us into maturity. b) The living Stone that builds us into a spiritual house. c) The excellencies of Christ we proclaim to the nations.

Future Grace For Exiles

Exiles | Future Grace For Exiles | 1 Peter 1: 13- 25 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Christian hope is not empty and does not disappoint us because our hope is fully set on the grace that will be brought to us when Jesus Christ appears. As we pick up from vv. 13- 25, here are 3 things Peter says we must remember during our journey on earth:- a) The future grace that will be brought to us. b) The futile ways from which we were ransomed. c) The living Word that teaches us to love.

A Living Hope For Exiles

1 Peter Series | Exiles: Hope For Strangers in A Foreign Land | ch. 1: 3-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

1 Peter was written by Peter from Rome, around AD 63- 64 to the “elect exiles” (the diaspora Jewish Christians, including Gentiles) scattered throughout Asia Minor’s Roman provinces. As we enter a new season, with the world still suffering from COVID, we see that this world is not our home. From our passage, we see: a) The living hope that God awakens in us. b) The trials of fire that test our faith. c) The joy that flows from our salvation.

The King on The Cross

The Servant King | Gospel of Mark | ch. 15: 29- 39 | Pastor Joey Zorina

People often ask: Why does a good God allow so much suffering and evil? But rarely do people ask: Why did God allow Jesus to suffer the horrible pain of crucifixion? Picking up from vv. 29- 39, follow along as we look at three reasons why Jesus suffered on the cross:- a) Jesus suffered to save others, not Himself. b) Jesus suffered the eternal separation we deserved. c) Jesus suffered to bring us into God’s presence.

The King of Jews and Rebels

The Servant King | Mark 15: 1- 15 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How do you respond to accusations, insults, or public humiliation? Following His betrayal, His arrest and trial before the Jewish religious council, Jesus is delivered to Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea between A.D. 26–36. Follow along as we look at: - a) The King who is silent before His accusers. b) The King who is exchanged for a rebel. c) The King who was crucified in our place.

The Betrayal of The King

The Servant King | Mark Series | ch. 14: 43- 52 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Have you ever felt the pain of betrayal? After His prayer in Gethsemane, Jesus sees His betrayer approaching. But how does Jesus treat His betrayers? As we turn to vv. 43- 52, follow along as we look are three insights:- 1) Jesus is betrayed by a kiss of death. 2) Jesus is betrayed to fulfill the scriptures. 3) Jesus is forsaken by God for our sake.