Portrait of A Spirit-Filled Community

Portrait of A Spirit-Filled Community | Acts 2: 41- 47 | Pastor Joey Zorina

What does a Spirit-filled community look like? Last week, we saw that the outpouring of the Spirit was followed by declaring the mighty works of God (ch. 2: 1-24). And the outpouring of the Spirit with Peter’s sermon had given birth to the early church (vv. 25-40). So in this passage, we see that a Spirit-filled community is: a) Devoted to teaching and fellowship. b) In awe of Jesus and generous. c) Worshipful and winsome.

Open Doors For The Gospel

Colossians 4:2–6 | Open Doors For The Gospel | Pastor Joey Zorina

How does the resurrection of Christ change how we pray? We saw in ch. 1 the rich prayer that Paul prayed for the Colossians. Paul’s public ministry flowed from a rich prayer life. Now 3 chapters later, Paul encourages the Colossians to be watchful in prayer and walk in wisdom toward outsiders. So in our passage, we’ll see:- a) The call to be watchful in prayer. b) The call to pray for open doors. c) The call to walk in gracious wisdom.

The Coming of The Spirit's Power

Acts 2: 1-24 | The Coming of The Spirit’s Power | Joey Zorina

As we remember Pentecost Day, Pentecost is the 50th day after the Jewish Passover festival. It’s a celebration of the feast of weeks (Lev. 23:15–16, Exod. 23:16). But for Christians, it marks the day the Holy Spirit came with unusual power. So from our passage, we’ll see that: - a) The Holy Spirit gives power to witness. b) The Holy Spirit awakens awe and wonder. c) The Holy Spirit exalts the risen Saviour.

Christ in Everyday Life

Colossians 3:18—4:1 | Christ In EveryDay Life | Joey Zorina

How does the resurrection of Christ renew our relationships? Earlier, Paul had said in v.16 that the church is being renewed as the word of Christ dwells in us richly. And in v. 17, he had said believers are to, “do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Now, he shows how our new identity in Christ changes relationships in the family and society. So in our passage, we see that:- a) Christ is Lord of our households. b) Christ is Lord over our earthly masters. c) Christ is our just and fair Master in heaven.

The Resurrection and The Mission of Christ

The Resurrection | Matthew 28: 11- 20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In our passage, an angel had told the women to go and tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead (v. 7). But while the women were on their way, another group was trying to cover up the truth. So we’re going to see 3 responses to the resurrection of Christ:- a) Those who try to hide the risen Christ. b) Those who doubt the risen Christ c) Those who are sent by the risen Christ.

Seek The Things Above

Colossians 3: 1–11 | Seek The Things Above | Joey Zorina

What does your heart seek everyday? Everyone seeks something, to become something or someone everyday! So what shapes your identity as a person? Earlier in ch. 2: 20, Paul had said that if you have died with Christ you are now a different person. And now Paul encourages the Colossians to seek their new life in Christ. So, in our passage, we see: a) The mind that is set on Christ. b) The idols we now put to death. c) The new self we have put on in Christ.

Nourished by Christ

Colossians 2: 16–23 | NOURISHED by Christ | Pastor Joey Zorina

How do you grow as a Christian? Where do you turn everyday for spiritual nourishment? Remember, false teachings had entered the church in Colossae with empty deceit, human tradition and philosophy. But Paul shows that spiritual growth cannot happen by following ethnic and religious rituals, visionary experiences, and ascetic practices. In our passage, we see:- a) The shadows of things to come. b) The body that is nourished by Christ. c) The life we have died with Christ.

Delivered by Christ

Colossians 2: 8–15 | Delivered by Christ | Pastor Joey Zorina

What captivates your heart and mind as you go about your day? What shapes your values and lifestyle? Remember, false teachings had entered the church in Colossae. And Paul was encouraging the Colossians to be rooted and built up in Christ (v. 7). So in our passage, we’ll look at: a) The empty promises that captivate us. b) The baptism that unites us with Christ. c) The record of debt that has been cancelled.

Knit Together in Love

Colossians 2: 1–7 | Knit Together in Love | Pastor Joey Zorina

Here, Paul was struggling greatly. Why was Paul struggling? Earlier in ch. 1: 29, Paul said, “For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me” Paul was struggling because he loved the church, the people. So in our passage, we see: a) The love that unites us together. b) The treasures of wisdom in Christ. c) The heart that receives Christ as Lord.

Christ The Hope of Glory

Colossians 1: 24-29 | The Hope of Glory | Pastor Joey Zorina

Although Paul is in prison, he rejoices in his sufferings. Because we live in a broken world, sufferings will come. The question is not if we will suffer, but how we respond to sufferings! So picking up from vv. 24–29, we’ll see: - a) Christ in us, our joy in suffering. b) Christ in us, our hope of glory. c) Christ in us, the energy within us.

The Supreme Worth of Christ

Colossians 1:15—23 | THE SUPREME WORTH OF CHRIST | PASTOR Joey Zorina

Who is Jesus Christ to you? Although Paul is in prison in Rome for his beliefs, he continues to praise the greatness of Jesus Christ. Often when life is difficult, it’s easy to look for answers elsewhere. But Paul shows us that our hope is secured in Jesus alone. So in vv. 15–23, we see that:- a) Jesus is sovereign over all creation. b) Jesus is the head of the church. c) Jesus reconciles sinners to God.

Praying The Gospel For Your Church

Colossians 1: 1-14 | Praying The Gospel | Pastor Joey Zorina

Epaphras had visited Paul in Rome and informed him about the condition of the church. And when Paul heard the news, he was filled with gratitude for their faith, love and hope. Although Paul never visited Colossae, his love for that church is seen even in his prayers. From Paul’s prayers, we see:-- a) The heart of thanksgiving in prayer. b) The fruit of the Gospel through prayer. c) The power that strengthens us in prayer.

The Sword of The Prince of Peace

The Sword of The Prince of Peace | Luke 2: 21- 35 | Advent

If Christmas is about a baby in a manger, why was He born? Why was this peaceful child opposed from the time of His birth? What was the purpose of His coming? In our passage, we see that:- a) Jesus came to fulfill God’s law for us. b) Jesus came to reveal salvation to us. c) Jesus came to bring peace with a sword.

Rest in A Sure Foundation

The Gospel in Isaiah | Rest In A Sure Foundation | Isaiah 28: 1-16

In chs. 28–35, God shows that He is able to fulfil all the saving purposes He had promised in chs. 1–27. But the prophets. priests and rulers of Israel do not trust in the Lord. Where does your trust lie? Is it built on a secure foundation? Here in our passage, we see: a) The fading crown of pride. b) The offer of rest in God’s word. c) The sure foundation God has laid.

Resurrection and Future Judgement


Isaiah saw a bright future of God’s people entering the strong city, singing songs of salvation (vv. 1-12). Meanwhile, God’s people are praying in distress as they wait for these promises to become a reality. Even as Christians, life is not smooth sailing. There is distress in trials and sufferings, and also in our own failures, as we wait for God’s future deliverance. So in our passage, we see: a) The distress of failure. b) The promise of resurrection. a) The refuge from fury.

A Vision of God's Glory

The Gospel in Isaiah | A Vision of God's Glory | Isaiah 6: 1-13

Isaiah prophesied during the times of four kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (787–697 BC). And here in ch. 6, Isaiah saw a vision, after King Uziah died. He saw a vision of another King so captivating and glorious. What sight would be more captivating than the sight of God’s glory? So following Isaiah’s vision, here are 3 insights from our passage:- a) Seeing God’s holiness and glory. b) Seeing our sin and atonement. c) Hearing and responding to God’s grace.

The Holy Spirit | Marks of A Spirit-Filled Church

The Holy Spirit | Marks of A Spirit-Filled Church | Acts 2: 41- 47 |

What are the marks of a Spirit-filled Church? When Jesus promised to build His church (in Matt. 16: 18), He did not promise to build a church based on our personal preferences. Rather, the church Jesus promised to build, while imperfect, is a Spirit-filled church. So we’re going to see that a Spirit-filled church is marked by: a) Bible teaching and loving fellowship. b) Gospel renewal and generous giving. c) Vibrant worship and gospel sharing.

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-Led Jesus

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-Led Jesus | Luke 4: 1–14 |

In v. 1 Luke says that Jesus is “led by the Spirit in the wilderness”—where He faced many temptations from the devil. How can we follow the Spirit instead of giving in to temptations? To answer that, we see:- a) Jesus is tempted with instant gratification. b) Jesus is tempted with power and glory. c) Jesus is tempted with self-serving identity. How does Jesus overcome His temptations?

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit of Prayer

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit of Prayer | Romans 8: 22–30 |

In this chapter, Paul uses the word ‘Spirit’ twenty-one times. Paul says in v. 26 the Spirit helps us in our weakness and prays for us. How does the Spirit help us? What does He pray for us? From our text, we see that:- a) The Spirit works patience in our groanings. b) The Spirit helps in our weakness and prayer. c) The Spirit shows our future glory with Christ.

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-filled Church

The Holy Spirit | The Spirit-filled Church | Ephesians 5: 15-25 |

What are the marks of a Spirit-filled Church? Every Christian receives the Holy Spirit at the time of conversion. But to be “filled with the Spirit” is a command in v. 18. It’s a daily experience of the Spirit and not a one-time occurrence. So in our text, we see that:- a) Spirit-filled people walk in wisdom. b) Spirit-filled people live in community. c) Spirit-filled people look to Christ.