The Sign of The Saviour

The Sign of The Saviour | Isaiah 7:1-14

Isaiah is often called The Fifth Gospel by some of the early church fathers. It's the most quoted book in the New Testament, secondly only to the Psalms. And our text comes right after God called Isaiah to be a prophet (6:1) -around 740 b.c. Here in ch. 7, it's around 735 b.c and Israel is in a national crisis. What do you do when fears come knocking? Where do you put your ultimate trust? In our passage, we'll see:- a) The fears from inside and outside. b) The faith that stands on God's Word. c) The promise of the coming Saviour.

Welcome One Another

Welcome One Another | Romans 15:1-9

Have you been giving up your Christian freedom for the sake of others? Who are the weaker brothers and sisters God has called you to love? In chapter 14, Paul had talked about freedom of conscience that believers have because of God's grace. He had said that the strong must not be a stumbling block to the weak. Now, he shows that Christian are to use their freedom for the good of their neighbours. So, in this passage, we'll see: a) The selfless example of Christ. b) The true harmony found in Christ. c) The gracious welcome of Christ.

The Blessing of Scripture Meditation

The Blessing of Scripture Meditation | Psalm 1:1-6

Prayer is talking to God. But if prayer is talking to God, how do we listen to God? To answer that, we turn to the Book of Psalms today. The Psalms are the most quoted O.T book in the New Testament. And some of the Psalms speak about the importance of meditating on God's Word. Here, in Psalm 1, we see the blessed man who delights in the law of God and meditates on it day and night. So from our passage, we're going to see: a) The way of blessedness. b) The way of fruitfulness. c) The way of perishing.

The Triumph of The Saviour

The Triumph of The Saviour | Isaiah 11:1-10

In ch. 9, we saw that a great light had dawned on people living in darkness. By ch. 10: 15, God had used Assyria like an axe to discipline Israel and Judah. And by the end of ch. 10: 34, the Assyrian army is cut down like a forest because of pride. But a day is coming when the Messiah will cut down the root of all the world's problems and bring a kingdom of peace. And so in this passage, we'll see that:- a) He is unlimited in wisdom and power. b) He judges with righteousness and faithfulness. c) He will renew and restore the broken world.

The Love We All Owe

The Love We All Owe | Romans 13: 8-14

Have you been paying up what you owe? Did you know we have a debt to pay? In the previous verse, Paul had talked about what Christians owed to the government. Earlier in v. 7, he had said, "pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed." The Romans never used taxes properly, yet Paul still called the Christians to pay what was owed to Caesar. And now, Paul turns to the debt that Christians can never stop paying. So in our passage, we'll see:- a) The debt of love we owe to one another. b) The day of Christ that is drawing near. c) The garment of love we now wear.

Biblical Leadership | Elders: Shepherds of The Flock

Elders: Shepherds of The Flock | 1 Peter 5:1-5

What comes to your mind when you think of a spiritually maturing church? Last week, we saw in Acts 6:1-7 that when the needs were growing, the church appointed deacons so that the apostles could focus on the ministry of the Word. So as we turn to 1 Peter 5:1-5 today, we're going to see that elders are appointed: a) To shepherd the flock among us. b) To lead by being examples to the flock. c) To lead the flock to the chief Shepherd.

Genuine Love In The Church

Genuine Love in The Church | Romans 12:9-21

What does genuine love look like in the church? What does it mean to love one another in our hearts and actions? Earlier in v. 1, Paul had said "present your bodies as a living sacrifice" in view of God's mercy. He then talked about using spiritual gifts to serve others (wv. 3-8). Now, in w. 9-21, he turns to the importance of love and hospitality; and blessing our enemies. So, in our passage, we'll see that: a) Genuine love produces brotherly affection. b) Genuine love rejoices and weeps with others. c) Genuine love overcomes evil with good.

Why Was Jesus Born

Why Was Jesus Born? | Luke 2: 13-21

Why was Jesus born? In ch. 2: 1-14, God used Caesar's decree to move Mary and Joseph, 80 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem to fulfill His promise. And we saw how Jesus was born in a humble place to take the lowest place among us. So from our text today, we're going to see 3 more reasons why Jesus was born: a) Jesus was born to make Himself known to us. b) Jesus was born to be treasured in our hearts. c) Jesus was born to fulfill all the law for us.

The Resurrection | Peace on Earth

The Resurrection | Peace on Earth (Luke 24: 36-49)

What does Jesus' death and resurrection mean? How should we live in light of the resurrection? Cherry blossoms are a symbol of a brand-new start. But the season is very short. After about two weeks, the blossoms start to fall. Similarly, human life is very short. We were made from dust. and to dust we return. But Jesus' resurrection changes everything! We were made to know Jesus and make Him known during our short journey on earth. This is what gives new meaning to our lives. So, from our passage, we'll see that:- a Jesus brings peace between God and us. bi Jests opens our minds to understand the scriptures. c) Jesus empowers us by His Spirit as witnesses.

Praying For One Another

Praying For One Another | James 5:13-20

How do you respond to personal suffering? Is your first impulse to pray? How about when you are cheerful? Does it lead you to sing praise? The Christian life is full of ups and downs. It is a roller coaster of suffering and happiness. Here, James is writing to a church that was suffering economic persecution and oppression. And James is very practical. He shows that the entire Chrisian life is filled with prayer. And that love is shown by caring for one another in prayer. So, in our passage, we'll see the church that: a) Intercedes for one another. b) Confesses to one another. c) Restores one another.

Songs In The City Of God

Songs in The City of God | Isaiah 26: 1-12

In ch. 12, we saw that Isaiah was given a vision of when Israel sang joyous songs of deliverance. Here in ch. 26, we see another song of victory sung in the city of God. Seven times in ch. 24-27 Isaiah uses the phrase "on that day" or "in that day." What will happen "on that day? In our passage, we'll see:- a) Those who enter the strong city of God. b) Those who fall in the lofty city of man. c) Those who see the gracious works of God.

The Wells Of Salvation

The Wells of Salvation | Isaiah 12: 1-6

We saw the rise of God's kingdom with the Messiah reigning as King over all the earth (in ch. 11). And here, Isaiah is given a vision of when Israel experiences final deliverance from God. What will happen on that day? When God's people are regathered (ch. 11: 11) they will sing joyous songs of salvation. So from our passage, we'll see that: a) God's grace is personally received. b) God's grace is richly enjoyed. c) God's grace is loudly proclaimed.

Beloved: Love One Another

Beloved: Love One Another | 1 John 4: 7-13

What is the deepest longing of the human heart? What is everyone looking for in this world Everyone is longing for perfect love. John says in v. 18, "perfect love casts out fear." Have you experienced that kind of love? In this letter, John has been talking about love everywhere. In chapter 2, he talked about love as the fruit of fellowship with God. In chapter 3, love is the evidence of our sonship with God. Now in chapter 4, John turns to the source of love. So, in our passage, we'll see that: a) Love is the sign of belonging to God. b) Love is displayed on the cross of Christ. c) Love is practised among God's people.

Nearer To Jesus And One Another

Nearer To Jesus And One Another | Hebrews 10:19-25

Is there a growing desire to draw near to Jesus and to one another? Back in ch. 3: 1, the writer had said, "Consider Jesus." This entire letter shows the superiority of Christ to the Old Testament sacrifices and rituals (chs. 3-10). Now, in v.19-25, we find three exhortations to draw near to God, to hold fast to our hope, and to encourage one another. And this is all based on what Jesus has done, is doing and will do for us! So in our passage, we'll see: a) The confidence to enter God's presence. b) The call to draw near with a true heart. c) The call to encourage one another.

Amazed By The Authority Of Jesus

Amazed By The Authority of Jesus | Luke 5:17-26

When was the last time you were amazed at Jesus? Many of us have stories of how others introduced us to Jesus. Here, we see a group of men bringing a paralyzed man while Jesus was teaching. Despite the crowd and the obstacles before them, these men were very determined to bring their neighbour to Jesus. But there was also a large religious group who were listening and unhappy with Jesus. So, in our passage, we're going to see what it means to be: a) Brought before Jesus. b) Forgiven by Jesus. c) Amazed by Jesus.

Denying Self And Following Jesus

Denying Self and Following Jesus | Matt. 16: 21-28

We saw in 2 Timothy 3, that in "the last days" people will be characterised by self-love. Today, we turn to Matthew 16: 21-28, where Jesus' famously said to His disciples to "deny" the self. So what does it mean to deny the self in an age of self-love? To answer that, we see in our passage: a) Jesus shows the meaning of His work. b) Jesus calls us to take up our cross. c) Jesus will return in glory to repay us.

Enduring Sound Teaching

Enduring Sound Teaching | 2 Timothy 4: 1-8

As we continue our series on Gospel Living, we turn to 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 titled "Enduring Sound Teaching." Last week, we looked at ch.3, where Paul said that in "the last days" times of difficulty will come. We saw that times of difficulty are characterised by self-love. But here in ch. 4: 3 Paul says "a time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching" and will turn away from listening to the truth. So from our passage, we're going to see: a) The call to endure sound teaching. b) The life poured out in selfless service. c) The reward that awaits us on that day.

Lovers Of Self

Lovers of Self | 2 Timothy 3: 1-17

As we begin a mini-series on Gospel Living in The Age of Self-Love, we turn to 2 Timothy 3: 1-17 titled "Lovers of Self." Why this title? In v. 1, Paul says to Timothy that in the last days times of difficulty will come. Remember that Paul had left him in Ephesus to strengthen the church (1 Tim. 1: 3). So what do we see in times of difficulty? We see that times of difficulty are characterised by self-love. In our passage, we'll see: a) A love for self above God's truth. b) A desire for godly life in Christ. c) A love God's Word above self.

The Clean For The Unclean

The Clean For The Unclean | Luke 5:12-16

Today, we'll be picking up where we left off in Luke. What need did you bring to church today? Here, a man full of leprosy heard that Jesus was in the city. So he came to Jesus! Can you imagine being approached by a leper in those days? Lepers were shunned by society and lived outside the camp of Israel. But Jesus is going to break the social, physical and religious barrier and touch this man in his place of need. So, in our passage we'll see: a) Jesus touches the unclean. b) Jesus is the source of cleansing. c) Jesus takes the place of the unclean.