The Bridge Fellowship JP

Future Grace For Exiles

Exiles | Future Grace For Exiles | 1 Peter 1: 13- 25 | Pastor Joey Zorina

Christian hope is not empty and does not disappoint us because our hope is fully set on the grace that will be brought to us when Jesus Christ appears. As we pick up from vv. 13- 25, here are 3 things Peter says we must remember during our journey on earth:- a) The future grace that will be brought to us. b) The futile ways from which we were ransomed. c) The living Word that teaches us to love.

A Living Hope For Exiles

1 Peter Series | Exiles: Hope For Strangers in A Foreign Land | ch. 1: 3-12 | Pastor Joey Zorina

1 Peter was written by Peter from Rome, around AD 63- 64 to the “elect exiles” (the diaspora Jewish Christians, including Gentiles) scattered throughout Asia Minor’s Roman provinces. As we enter a new season, with the world still suffering from COVID, we see that this world is not our home. From our passage, we see: a) The living hope that God awakens in us. b) The trials of fire that test our faith. c) The joy that flows from our salvation.

The King on The Cross

The Servant King | Gospel of Mark | ch. 15: 29- 39 | Pastor Joey Zorina

People often ask: Why does a good God allow so much suffering and evil? But rarely do people ask: Why did God allow Jesus to suffer the horrible pain of crucifixion? Picking up from vv. 29- 39, follow along as we look at three reasons why Jesus suffered on the cross:- a) Jesus suffered to save others, not Himself. b) Jesus suffered the eternal separation we deserved. c) Jesus suffered to bring us into God’s presence.

The King of Jews and Rebels

The Servant King | Mark 15: 1- 15 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How do you respond to accusations, insults, or public humiliation? Following His betrayal, His arrest and trial before the Jewish religious council, Jesus is delivered to Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea between A.D. 26–36. Follow along as we look at: - a) The King who is silent before His accusers. b) The King who is exchanged for a rebel. c) The King who was crucified in our place.

The Prayer of The Sorrowful King

The Servant King | Mark Series | Mark 14: 32-42 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane. From Jesus' prayer we see that our prayers can be honest, passionate, and intimate in the midst of great sorrow. Follow along as we look at how: a​ ) Jesus prays with great sorrow. b) Jesus prays for His Father’s will. c) Jesus prays as He died in our place.

Be The Church Series | Renewed in Strength

Be The Church Series | Isaiah 40: 25--31 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we turn to Isaiah 40: 25--31. Israel thought that God had abandoned them as exiles in Babylon. But God promised to renew them with strength. Often our vision of God is too small when we're overwhelmed and weary. Follow along as we look at: a) God who is incomparable in greatness. b) God who does not grow weary like us. c) God who renews strength in our weariness.

Be The Church Series | Together In Spiritual Warfare

Be The Church Series | Together In Spiritual Warfare | Ephesians 6: 10-20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we turn to Ephesians which shines a bright light on the work of Christ and His love for His church. Here, Paul shows that behind the Roman persecution and imprisonment, there were much darker forces at work. Follow along as we look at:- a) The schemes of evil that come against us. b) The armor of God by which we stand. c) The Word and prayer by which we advance.

Be The Church | Together in Perfect Harmony

Be The Church Series | Colossians 3: 12--17 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In an age where we're told to always put ourselves first and just be ourselves, Paul shows us that believers have put off the old self and are to put on the new self. And so, follow along as we look at-- a) The grace that renews us from within. b) The love that binds us in perfect harmony. c) The word of Christ that dwells in us richly.

Be The Church | Together in Ministry

Be The Church Series | Together in Ministry | Ephesians 4: 11- 16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How is Gospel unity expressed in a local church?  Paul writes that gospel unity between Jews and Gentiles now results in ministry.  The gospel not only takes away the barrier between races, but it now results in service in the body.  And so here are key insights we’re going to follow from our passage today:-  

a) The saints who do the work of ministry.   b) The Son who leads us into maturity.   c) The body that builds itself up in love.  

Be The Church | Together As One Body

Be The Church | Together As One Body | 1 Cor. 12: 21-31 | Pastor Joey Zorina

As we start our 5 weeks series, we turn to 1 Cor. 12: 12- 31. Those who are united individually to Christ are called members of one body. And yet we see diversity of gifts and functions within one body. Follow along as we look at the 3 insights on being one body in Christ. In our passage, we see that: a) God chose us to be members of one body. b) God gives greater honor to the weaker members. c) God gives us different gifts in the body.

Look! I Am Doing A New Thing!

Isaiah 43: 15—21 | Year End Sermon | Look! I Am Doing A New Thing! | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this year end stand alone sermon, we turn to Isaiah 43: 15—21 where God reminds the Israelites of who He is and what He has done for them in the past. Often times, our past experiences can color our perception of what God is doing in the present. The Israelites were not to hold on to past victories as though God can no longer do those things today and tomorrow. As we look forward to a new year, we hear God saying from this passage:- a) Remember who I Am. b). Forget the former things. c) Look to Christ for a new thing.

This Christmas Child | A Sign That Is Opposed

Christmas | Luke 2: 21- 35 | A Sign That Is Opposed | Pastor Joey Zorina

What’s the real meaning of Christmas? If you ask your friends in Japan, you will get very different answers. But this story in Luke’s Gospel shatters our popular understanding of Christmas. If Christmas is about Jesus, why did He come? Follow along as we answer that question in three insights:- a) Jesus came to fulfill the law for us. b) Jesus came to bring salvation for all peoples. c) Jesus came to bring true peace with the sword.

Gospel Self-Examination

2 Corinthians Series | Ch. 13: 1- 10 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to the final chapter, where Paul talks about the importance of self-examination. What is the difference between Gospel self-examination and introspection? Follow along as we learn from 3 insights: a) The evidence that points to us. b) The test Jesus passed for us. c) The authority that builds us up.

Christ's Power in Our Weakness

In his episode of our series, we turn to the famous chapter 12, where Paul speaks of a thorn in the flesh and boasts in his weaknesses rather than in his strengths. Thorns are painful. Thorns make us ache and long for paradise. Thorns remind us of our weaknesses. But weaknesses make us dependent. Follow along as we look into 3 insights to unpack how Christ’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses. a) The experiences that make us proud. b) The thorns that keep us humble. c) The power of Christ perfected in us.

A Pure Virgin To Christ

2 Corinthians Series | Ch. 11: 1-11 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, Paul as a loving parent is afraid that his children would be led astray from their devotion to Christ. The false teachers had gained momentum in Corinth and were proclaiming another Jesus. Beliefs are so powerful that they can build us up or damage us. Follow along as we look at (a) The lies we entertain in our thoughts. (b) The different spirit that misleads us. (c). The truth of Christ that liberates us.

The Light of The Gospel

2 Corinthians Series | Pastor Joey Zorina | ch. 4: 1-6

In this episode of 2 Corinthians series, we turn to ch. 4: 1-6, there Paul talks about how, despite all his sufferings, he did not lose heart. What was it that encouraged Paul? What kept him moving forward? Follow along as we look into 3 insights: a) The open statement of truth we're called to live by. b) The Satanic veil that blinds the unbelieving mind. c) The glory of God that shines in the face of Christ.