Be The Church | Together in Spiritual Worship

Together in Spiritual Worship | Pastor Joey Zorina | Romans 12: 1-7

In this episode of our series, we turn to Romans 12: 1-7. Paul writing to Christians in Rome says they are not to conform to that world but be transformed by the renewal of the mind. He calls this true spiritual worship. Follow along as we look at:- a) The worship we offer in our bodies. b) The measure of faith God has given to us. c) The gifts of graces God uses in the body.

Be The Church | Together in Perfect Harmony

Be The Church Series | Colossians 3: 12--17 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In an age where we're told to always put ourselves first and just be ourselves, Paul shows us that believers have put off the old self and are to put on the new self. And so, follow along as we look at-- a) The grace that renews us from within. b) The love that binds us in perfect harmony. c) The word of Christ that dwells in us richly.

Be The Church | Together in Ministry

Be The Church Series | Together in Ministry | Ephesians 4: 11- 16 | Pastor Joey Zorina

How is Gospel unity expressed in a local church?  Paul writes that gospel unity between Jews and Gentiles now results in ministry.  The gospel not only takes away the barrier between races, but it now results in service in the body.  And so here are key insights we’re going to follow from our passage today:-  

a) The saints who do the work of ministry.   b) The Son who leads us into maturity.   c) The body that builds itself up in love.  

Be The Church | Together On Mission

Be The Church | Together On Mission | Matt. 28: 11--20 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this passage, we see some events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The women told the truth about the risen Christ. The chief priests and guards spent lots of money to lie about the risen Christ. But Jesus sends us out to tell the truth of His resurrection. Follow along as we look at 3 types of responses to the resurrection. a) Those who try to hide the risen Christ. b) Those who doubt the risen Christ. c) Those who are sent by the risen Christ

Be The Church | Together As One Body

Be The Church | Together As One Body | 1 Cor. 12: 21-31 | Pastor Joey Zorina

As we start our 5 weeks series, we turn to 1 Cor. 12: 12- 31. Those who are united individually to Christ are called members of one body. And yet we see diversity of gifts and functions within one body. Follow along as we look at the 3 insights on being one body in Christ. In our passage, we see that: a) God chose us to be members of one body. b) God gives greater honor to the weaker members. c) God gives us different gifts in the body.

Look! I Am Doing A New Thing!

Isaiah 43: 15—21 | Year End Sermon | Look! I Am Doing A New Thing! | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this year end stand alone sermon, we turn to Isaiah 43: 15—21 where God reminds the Israelites of who He is and what He has done for them in the past. Often times, our past experiences can color our perception of what God is doing in the present. The Israelites were not to hold on to past victories as though God can no longer do those things today and tomorrow. As we look forward to a new year, we hear God saying from this passage:- a) Remember who I Am. b). Forget the former things. c) Look to Christ for a new thing.

This Christmas Child | A Sign That Is Opposed

Christmas | Luke 2: 21- 35 | A Sign That Is Opposed | Pastor Joey Zorina

What’s the real meaning of Christmas? If you ask your friends in Japan, you will get very different answers. But this story in Luke’s Gospel shatters our popular understanding of Christmas. If Christmas is about Jesus, why did He come? Follow along as we answer that question in three insights:- a) Jesus came to fulfill the law for us. b) Jesus came to bring salvation for all peoples. c) Jesus came to bring true peace with the sword.

Gospel Self-Examination

2 Corinthians Series | Ch. 13: 1- 10 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to the final chapter, where Paul talks about the importance of self-examination. What is the difference between Gospel self-examination and introspection? Follow along as we learn from 3 insights: a) The evidence that points to us. b) The test Jesus passed for us. c) The authority that builds us up.

Christ's Power in Our Weakness

In his episode of our series, we turn to the famous chapter 12, where Paul speaks of a thorn in the flesh and boasts in his weaknesses rather than in his strengths. Thorns are painful. Thorns make us ache and long for paradise. Thorns remind us of our weaknesses. But weaknesses make us dependent. Follow along as we look into 3 insights to unpack how Christ’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses. a) The experiences that make us proud. b) The thorns that keep us humble. c) The power of Christ perfected in us.

Boasting in Christ Alone

2 Corinthians Series | ch. 11: 20-33 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode, we look at how the Corinthians who thought that the super apostles’ boasting was true power, while Paul's humility was weakness. But Paul boasted in the marks of Jesus, the marks of His nail pierced hands, the marks of His body, bruised, beaten and broken for us. Follow along as we look at 3 kinds of boasting:- a) Boasting in our bloodlines. b) Boasting as servants of Christ. c). Boasting of Christ in our weakness.

A Pure Virgin To Christ

2 Corinthians Series | Ch. 11: 1-11 | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, Paul as a loving parent is afraid that his children would be led astray from their devotion to Christ. The false teachers had gained momentum in Corinth and were proclaiming another Jesus. Beliefs are so powerful that they can build us up or damage us. Follow along as we look at (a) The lies we entertain in our thoughts. (b) The different spirit that misleads us. (c). The truth of Christ that liberates us.

The Ultimate Commendation

2 Corinthians Series |. ch. 10: 9-18 | Pastor Joey Zorina |

In this episode of our series, the false teachers, who had come into Corinth, were looking down on Paul's physical appearances. They were commending themselves and comparing with one another, while seeking to take credit for Paul's labor. Follow along as we look into 3 insights to uncover how Paul undermines their surface level measurements! (a) Those who commend themselves. (b) Those who commend the gospel. (c) Those whom the Lord commends.

Grace and Humility in Our Suffering

Stand Alone Sermon | Pastor Joey Zorina | 1 Peter 5: 1-11

In this stand alone sermon, we turn to 1 Peter 5: 1-11 where Peter writes about the role of humility in our suffering. When you think of a humble person what comes to your mind? What have you learned about humility this year? While pride can make our suffering unbearable, humility can make our sufferings easier. To learn more, follow along with us as we look at 3 insights:-

a) Humility looks like Christ. b) Humility gives all anxieties to God. c) Humility looks to the God of all grace.

Captive To Obey Christ

2 Cor. 10: 1-8 | Captive To Obey Christ | By Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to ch. 10: 1-8, where Paul shifts his focus on the minority unrepentant group in Corinth. How does Paul use his spiritual authority? How does this approach different from how people use authority in the world? When people oppose us, how do we respond? Follow along as we look into three insights to answer these questions: -

a) The gentle heart of Christ. b) The mind captive to obey Christ. c) The authority that comes from Christ.

The Grace of Cheerful Giving

2 Cor. 9: 6-15. | The Grace of Cheerful Giving | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we learn that God loves a cheerful giver. In our cultures, people give their gifts or Omiage with an polite smile. How is Paul's cheerful giving different from our cultural practices? Follow along as we look into 3 insights:-

a) The heart behind our giving. b) The grace of God for every good work. c) The inexpressible gift God has given to us.

The Glory of Christ in Faithful Christians

2 Cor. 8: 16- 24. | The Glory of Christ in Faithful Christians | Pastor Joey Zorina |

In this episode, Paul commends three faithful men whose names are not mentioned. The real heroes are often unknown. They’re the quiet men and women who keep serving behind the scenes. They are known by Christ; and that is enough for them. Follow along as we look into- a) The heart that cares for the church. b) The character that is tested and proven. c) The glory of Christ in our faithfulness.

Grace and Generosity in our Suffering

2 Cor. 8: 1-9 | Grace and Generosity in our Suffering | Pastor Joey Zorina

What makes Christian giving radically different from others? It is not uncommon to hear celebrities giving large amounts of money, but it usually doesn't break their bank. In this episode of our 2nd Corinthians series, we turn to chapter 8: 1-9 where Paul shows the radical generosity of the Macedonian churches in the midst of suffering. Follow along as we look into 3 insights:- a) Generosity is not based on circumstances. b) Generous giving is an act of grace. c) The riches of Christ motivate giving.

The God Who Comforts The Downcast

2 Cor. 7: 2- 10 | The God Who Comforts The Downcast | Pastor Joey Zorina

Have you been discouraged lately? Have you known what it means to be downcast? In this episode of our series on 2 Corinthians, we turn to ch. 7 where Paul shows us that God is the ultimate source of comfort. Follow along as we look into 3 insights from this passage: a) The joy in the midst of our afflictions. b) The God who comforts the downcast. c) The godly grief that leads us to salvation.

Guest Speaker Sunday | The God Who Fights For Us

Guest Speaker Sunday | Joshua ch. 3 and 4. | Rev. Seima Aoyagi |

In this stand-alone sermon, Pastor Seima Aoyagi takes us into Joshua chapter 3 and 4, where the Israelites are led by God to cross the Jordan. Though they faced impossible and pressing challenges, God showed Himself faithful. Follow along as Seima encourages us to:- a) Behold. b) Follow c) Remember.

The Yoke of Unbelievers

2 Corinthians 6: 14- 18 | The Yoke of Unbelievers | Pastor Joey Zorina

In this episode of our series, we turn to the famous verse, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” Was Paul, primarily, talking about marriage? Does this text sound exclusive and narrow to modern sentiments? What did Paul mean by this verse? To answer that question, following along as we look into 3 insights: a) The yoke that believers do not share. b) The yoke of Christ that believers share c) The temple of God believers have become.